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Are Paragraph Decoration Top/Bottom distance increases the wrong way round?

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When I add a Top Paragraph Decoration and increase the Distance To Text it comes nearer to the text.

Also, when I add a Bottom Paragraph Decoration and increase the Distance To Text it comes nearer to the text.

Shouldn’t the distance to the text increase when the value increases, i.e. Distance Away From Text?

The current orientation doesn’t seem right to me.


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I agree, seems rather non-intuitive. Another thing that strikes me is that when editing the pressure setting in the Stroke panel this doesn't work. You can only edit in the Decorations setting of the Paragraph sub-panel. The settings should synchronize in both panels.

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  • 11 months later...

Yes, thats the wrong way. Weird.

I also have another "wrong way" problem. I've assigned a dashed line to a left aligned text paragraph, but the first full dash is right aligned. Which, of course, leads to problems when using this style to different sized columns. Please have a look at the video. Is there any way to solve that? Any idea would be very welcome!

Edit: Oh, great, now I have the video three times and can't erase it. Hope the third one works..

Edited by thadeusz
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I can confirm this on Windows 10 with Publisher
The dashes in a dashed line Bottom Decoration start on the right, rather than the left as might be expected.
Watch my video as I increase the size of the first dash option; the ‘first dash’ seems to be on the right, which means that the left-hand side is the ‘messy’ side.
You can make this a bit more obvious by adding an arrow head to the start of the line (as shown in the video).

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The original posting was quite some time ago, but I will confirm that the Paragraph > Decorations top and bottom distances do seem to be backward from the expected sense.  I.e., you need to supply a negative distance to either top or bottom in order to shift the corresponding rule to the outside of the paragraph.

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My guess – and it’s a total guess – is that the border decorations are created going round the paragraph clockwise.
The red arrow(s) in my attached video show the decorations and the red arrow heads show where the END of the decorations are.
Note what happens when there is a ‘gap’ between the decorations and two lines are created.
I cannot find a way to reverse the way the lines are drawn in the same way that we can with curves.

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