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I'm not sure if it's a bug, but shouldn't Grid and Axis proprieties be saved in the file?

I was working on a file in Designer, using a preset I created. Since I downloaded the new Bêta, I thought I would continue working in the new app: but there's no more Grid and Axis presets than the basic ones.

I expected the new grid (and used grid in this document) to be saved in the file and to be able to keep on working with it on the new app. I didn't tested if it's the same when opening the file on another computer, but it would be usefull if it was a file properties, not only an app's one, so we could keep on working/modifying an illustration created with a special preset.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Sean P,

Here the file created (and finished, but I deleted the object since it's not my creating, only a copy) in 404, that don't show the recorded preset in 424.

It would be great if the document grid with name was showing in a document opened in another version (with the possibility to save the preset with the same name: this way, we would avoid creating similar presets with different names).

I can't manage to have a diffrent grid, but I remember opening the file in 424 and not being able to keep on in this version unless I manually inserted the same parameters. I didn't do it since 424 version changes didn't affect this sort of work, and I finished using version 404.


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Thanks for the file! It does seem to be saving the grid settings in the file (I modified the size and origin point), but the presets are specific to your AppData which is why the preset name isn't showing up. Note the colour is not part of this!

I'll pass on an improvement to development to see if they can display the file's name in the dropdown if grid settings are used but no preset found.

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