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Posted (edited)


first i must say how happy i am to see that Adobe gets a real rival. Yes Affinity Publisher still got a long way to be en parre to Indesign but im very sure you will surpass it! For me was the „CS Cloude Model“ the reason to turn my back to Adobe and look around for an alternative. Then i heared in my office that there is an alternative... So i read a lot of articles and then i decidet to buy Publisher for my Mac at home (At work i still use InDesign CS6). So i messed around a bit and tested the functions which i use the most at work. And i must say basicly there is all i need but there are also a lot of detailes i really really need for a good and useful workflow! The App as it is now, is in my oppinion ok for simple Flyers, Posters or short broshoures but not for complex Books or Magazines…

Here the functions i realy miss and need for the future Versions (i hope i can desribe it more or less in english because im Swiss):

  • Saveing workingplace. I like to save different working places for different projects. So that means that i use different Tools for the different Projects in front me.
  • I need Paragraph format and sign format in a seperate Window. Now they are like in Word in a pull down menue but as i have dozends of different Formats i use i really need to organize them and have to see them pernamently.
  • And there is a fonction i miss but dont know the english word… It is the function to define the exact space for Lists. In Indesign i can for exemple define them with 8 and -8 (screenshot) so that they are always as long as i want. I know i can do it with tabulator but thats not as elegant because i need to set tabs after each line after a soft return.
  • Also i couldnt find the Fonctions of Footnotes…
  • Also i hope that the Navigation Bar at the Top gets more detailed, well like in Indesign. But i realy like that i can customize it myself too.

So thats my Feedback of my first Impression. Again im basicly very happy forusing it at home but to use Publisher at work it needs still a lot of Functionns.


Edited by Schalk
improoving the Text

Hi Schalk,

Welcome to the forums :)

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying using Affinity as much as we enjoy making it!

On 6/27/2019 at 12:44 PM, Schalk said:

Saving workingplace. I like to save different working places for different projects

This isn't currently possible, but has been requested by many users and we hope to add it in a future update. 

On 6/27/2019 at 12:44 PM, Schalk said:

I need Paragraph format and sign format in a seperate Window.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this, could you provide a screenshot?

On 6/27/2019 at 12:44 PM, Schalk said:

It is the function to define the exact space for Lists

I believe you're looking for the left/right indent options in Text Styles > Paragraph > Spacing, but I may be incorrect.

On 6/27/2019 at 12:44 PM, Schalk said:


We hope to add these in a future version, but we have no time scale currently!


Thanks for your Feedback and kind remarks, they're more than appreciated :)


Hi Dan,

thank you for your Answer. Im really glad that you listn to the Users and what they say!:D This will help to make Publisher much greater then InDesign and Xpress togehter:)!

About the " Paragraph format" and "sign format", i have here a Screenshot ;-). As you can see here i can exactly define every Text as i want and see pernamently which Format they have. In a Book with many different styles it is important to have the total control about them and not have to open all the Time the pull down menue...

About the Lists. Well as you can see in the previous Screenshot i can define the exact space between the Bulletpoint and the Text and this for every hirarchy of the Lists. And then i can also make a seperate "Absatzformat".

Thanks and have a great Day



1 hour ago, Dan C said:

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this, could you provide a screenshot?

It's about seperating character styles and paragraph styles.


Affinity Suite on Windows (V2) and iPad (V2). Beta testing when available.

Windows 11 64-bit - Core i7 - 16GB - Intel HD Graphics 4600 & NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
iPad pro 9.7" + Apple Pencil

Posted (edited)

Ahh, i think i found it (define the space in Lists between the Bullet Point and the first word)... But i have to test it out more and see if i can use it like this. And after i have the perfect space i would now in InDesign save it as a own "Absatzformat" :-).  And also still it would be perfect to have the 2 Fields next to each other. ;-) But im sure you will improve the functions with the next Updates. 


Edited by Schalk
better description

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