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Vertical alignment in table not working

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Works fine here.

Could there be another setting overruling the vertical alignment? Like checkbox 'use baseline grid' checked?

Macbook Pro mid 2015, 16 GB, double barrel: MacOS Mojave + Affinity 1 (+ Adobe’s CS6)/ MacOS Monterey + Affinity 2

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3 minutes ago, RM f/g said:

Works fine here.

Could there be another setting overruling the vertical alignment? Like checkbox 'use baseline grid' checked?

Ah-ha! You're right that it's related to baseline grid, but the grid is being ignored by the table content styles... mostly. It's not aligning to the grid (as intended), but the alignment of the table cell content doesn't work unless the overall baseline grid in the document is turned off. So it looks like the issue is related to some change to how the baseline grid functions in this latest beta?

Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 3.06.16 PM.png

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