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thin gap remains between layers

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Hello all. There is this general situation with all Affinity software, not just with Publisher, where tightly placed or snapped together shapes still leave a tiny gap that is visible in the finished graphic. That is really not good because I have to overlap shapes to get rid of it. Can something be done about this? 


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Hi Mandu,
That's due to the background colour bleeding through the edges of the shapes due to antialiasing. Only vertical/horizontal edges of objects aligned to the pixel grid will snap perfectly (no gaps) when viewed at 100% (or multiples) zoom. The exported files will also have no gaps in these circumstances. Curved and diagonal edges are always affected by this, Adding a stroke, overlapping shapes or adjusting the Coverage Map for a few objects usually helps to work around this.

The screen tolerance setting only affects the distance from which the snapping takes effect. It doesn't affect or fix the gaps issue described above.

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I was just about to reply back and correct myself on that setting, but @MEB beat me to it.


4 minutes ago, MEB said:

Only vertical/horizontal edges of objects aligned to the pixel grid will snap perfectly (no gaps) when viewed at 100% (or multiples) zoom.

I tried turning on "force pixel alignment" with "move by whole pixels" in snapping manager and creating two rectangles, both of the same color, both with no stroke.  There is still a gap between them.  I checked the transform panel (rules are set to pixels) and still found decimal points.  I corrected all of the values by entering whole numbers and the gap remains.  This was just now in Publisher .270.

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It's working fine for me here. Can you please attach the file for us to look at? Are you checking the file at 100% zoom (or multiple) rather than at an arbitrary zoom level? Also note that if the original objects are placed on non-integer values (decimal places) having Move by whole pixels ticked will keep the decimal places when you move them since as the name implies it only lets you move the objects full pixels.

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