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New bug in opening Fuji X-T2 RAW-files

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21 hours ago, MEB said:

Hi WernerD,
Welcome to Affinity Forums:)
Thanks for your report. Issue reproduced here. I will check if we already have this logged and fill a bug report in case it´s not.

Just as an aside.

Is there really much difference in output from the two 'engines' with RAFs?

MacPro (late 2013), 24Gb Ram, D300GPU, Eizo 24",1TB Samsung 850 Archive, 2x2Tb Time Machine,X-t2 plus 50-140mm & 18-55mm. AP, FRV & RawFile Converter (Silkypix).

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Hi Sharkey,

the differences are small but visible indeed. But as I can not upgrade to Mac OS X Mojave with my iMac 2011, I am not able to open RAW-Files of the most recent cameras or (for example) compressed Fuji RAWs with the Apple engine. Thats why I need the Serif engine too.



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Hi,  I am am aware that the black border banding issue on Raw images has been reported as a bug and logged to be looked at.  I am a new user and have found the same issue with version 1.6.11, using  X-transformer to change Fujifilm  RAF images to DNG. The images  do not have the banding when shown in Lightroom, so I assume this an Affinity issue.  I would like to ask if a moderator could please offer some information on when the issue is likely to be addressed (days/ weeks/months ?) as I am currently having to manually crop all my images to remove the black bands.

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