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Good morning!


I have a rather small issue when using the Pen tool:

  1. I draw a path with the Pen tool.
  2. After that I use for example another tool or adjust the stroke width or color or anything else but the Pen tool.
  3. Then I want to add some more nodes to one end of the path with the Pen tool. So I select the path again and hover over one of the end points.
  4. Now there comes the issue: I am not able to add something at the end when merely using the Pen tool again - it always starts a new path. The only thing I can add are nodes inbetween but not at the very ends. Also the little indicator (looking like this: / ) does not appear when hovering over the end points.
  5. If I want to add some more segments at the end of the path I have to select the end point with the Node tool. After that I have to switch to the Pen tool again and finally I can add more segments. The little indicator ( / ) appears also showing me that the path segments will be connected.

This happens only in the beta (.209 but also with previous versions) and slows me down because of the intermediate steps (switching tools, selecting nodes).

In the stable version it works fine - that's why I noticed this difference in the first place.


All the best,

PS: I found this issue also in Publisher.

PS: If you like maps you might also have a look at this community!
PPS: Want to know more about me and my ways? Head over to an Affinity Spotlight article about me and my maps!
PPPS: Do you love public transit and transit maps too? Then have a look at my home-made collection of transit maps under www.instagram.com/transitdiagrams or www.twitter.com/transitdiagrams

PPPPS: Other works than transit maps can be found here www.behance.net/chrisneuherz 

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Hi Chris,

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce this - see attached video. What I would say is to ensure you don't have the Mode set to 'Line Mode', otherwise that will just create multiple 2 point straight lines, as opposed to a single multiple node curve object. Would you be able to attach a video showing the behaviour you're getting.


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Hi Sean,


thanks for responding!

Whenever I reselect an old path and change to the Pen tool I have to select a node with the Node tool (via menu or CTRL) - so it becomes blue - to add more segments - that's the situation in the beta. Otherwise I am starting to create a new path while the old one is still selected. I am not in any other mode than Pen mode. And all my options in the menu bar are like yours.

Whenever I do the same in the stable version I am able to achieve this only with the Pen tool. The node does not have to be selected (so it becomes blue).

So, if I do what you are doing in the video I cannot reproduce what you are doing ...

I will try make a video tonight showing what I mean, I think there is a screen recorder in Win 10 now.



PS: If you like maps you might also have a look at this community!
PPS: Want to know more about me and my ways? Head over to an Affinity Spotlight article about me and my maps!
PPPS: Do you love public transit and transit maps too? Then have a look at my home-made collection of transit maps under www.instagram.com/transitdiagrams or www.twitter.com/transitdiagrams

PPPPS: Other works than transit maps can be found here www.behance.net/chrisneuherz 

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11 hours ago, Sean P said:

Would you be able to attach a video showing the behaviour you're getting.

So, I have tried to record what I am getting. I hope this helps a little bit.

One is from the stable version (that works as expected and known to me):

The other from the beta (that reacts other than the stable):

Maybe I am doing something wrong?


PS: If you like maps you might also have a look at this community!
PPS: Want to know more about me and my ways? Head over to an Affinity Spotlight article about me and my maps!
PPPS: Do you love public transit and transit maps too? Then have a look at my home-made collection of transit maps under www.instagram.com/transitdiagrams or www.twitter.com/transitdiagrams

PPPPS: Other works than transit maps can be found here www.behance.net/chrisneuherz 

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Hi Chris, 
I just remembered there is a new button called 'Add to Curves Mode' which allows you to continue adding curves to the same single 'object' instead of making a separate curve object, for all new drawn curves. 

Enabling this does cause the behaviour to revert back to 1.6, however this was not the primary use for this button, so I still think there is an issue here :)

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Hi Sean,

thanks for the hint :-) yes, with that on it's like in the good old version!



PS: If you like maps you might also have a look at this community!
PPS: Want to know more about me and my ways? Head over to an Affinity Spotlight article about me and my maps!
PPPS: Do you love public transit and transit maps too? Then have a look at my home-made collection of transit maps under www.instagram.com/transitdiagrams or www.twitter.com/transitdiagrams

PPPPS: Other works than transit maps can be found here www.behance.net/chrisneuherz 

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Hi Sean,

Thank you again for your help on this matter! :) I have a little update regarding the "Add to Curves Mode", though:

It only looks as it works like in the stable version. What it does actually is something different: It makes a "Curve" into "Curves" - multiple paths in a one layer object. If I add another segment at the end of the path it just creates the new segment as a separate path in this object. Last night I noticed this because I wanted to use the "Corner tool". After wondering why it wouldn't work I discovered that there were two nodes just on top of each other and that there was a second path. It only looked like one path. Then I tried the "Join Curves" action - it didn't worked. In the end I had to break up (with several attempts) the "Curves" object into separate "Curve" objects again for finally being able to join them properly.

So, the "Add to Curves Mode" has another funcionality than what I wanted to achieve.

All the best,

PS: If you like maps you might also have a look at this community!
PPS: Want to know more about me and my ways? Head over to an Affinity Spotlight article about me and my maps!
PPPS: Do you love public transit and transit maps too? Then have a look at my home-made collection of transit maps under www.instagram.com/transitdiagrams or www.twitter.com/transitdiagrams

PPPPS: Other works than transit maps can be found here www.behance.net/chrisneuherz 

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