oldwestern Posted January 10, 2019 Posted January 10, 2019 Hi, I created an A5 page with facing pages which (Iguess) creates a default A4 spread. I set the master to display guides which covered the entire spread. However, instead of creating guides for each of the 2 pages on the spread, the guides started the origin at top left of spread (of page 1) and end at bottom right (of page 2) but seem to treat the spread as one page. This means that the guides fall at different places in relation to the edges of each document page, meaning object do not fall in the same place from one page to another. How do I get guides that work the same on each page rather than setting up guides in a master (which is of different dimensions)? Cheers, Hal.
fde101 Posted January 11, 2019 Posted January 11, 2019 If you set up your master as a single page instead of as facing pages you will need to apply it to both sides of the facing page spread for the guides to behave like that.
oldwestern Posted January 11, 2019 Author Posted January 11, 2019 i set it up as an A5 doc with facing pages checked. The default display on the pages menu is for 4 pages - i.e. 2 A5 portrait pages on each side of 1 A4 landscape sheet of paper - the 'spread'. The Master view side bar - displays two portrait A5 pages sitting butted together down the vertical centre line of a master A4 landscape checkerboard background (the 'baseboard'). The grid is anchored to the master background A4 'spread'. In the pages view side bar - Page 1 (the front cover) displays as a single page, pages 2&3 as a spread & page 4 as single page (the back page). so, when it comes to guides, the master for spreads is also the master for the single pages. As I said, this makes it very difficult to create positioning guides to individual pages when they don't share the same origin in relation to their edges. ideally, I'd like to have a master guide for the background 'baseboard' and separate guidelines for each of the master pages - does that make sense? Cheers, H.
Chris_K Posted January 11, 2019 Posted January 11, 2019 If you are using just the one double spread master for your document then the right side of the master will be applied to page 1 and the left side of the master will be applied to page 4. Ideally you;d set up the double page master with the double page spread in mind (page 2,3) and the other two pages would just inherit the same structure. you can however also make a separate single page master to apply just to the single pages if this makes it easier for you, in a facing page document you are not restricted to only having facing page masters Serif Europe Ltd - Check the latest news at www.affinity.serif.com
oldwestern Posted January 11, 2019 Author Posted January 11, 2019 Chris-K, Thanks. I tried that and it works..but... On a double-page (DP) spread, as far as I can see the master guides are still linked to the whole of the DP background rather than to each page on the background. Obviously, it’s better to see the pages together rather as single pages - and I suspect from a topic I raised earlier, pages need to be set as facing pages for impositioning anyway. I guess I’m making a plea for masters guides linked to the whole of a DB spread background and a separate set of guides linked to each page. That way I could arrange items in relation to the origin point of the Spread ... and with the page guides place items in relation to the page edge without having to calculate where things fall from one page to another.
fde101 Posted January 11, 2019 Posted January 11, 2019 You might be able to do this by creating a separate single-page master to hold the each-page guides then applying that master to each page of the facing pages master so that they get inherited by the document pages? It is not in front of me right now to try inheriting a single page master within a facing pages master but I believe that in theory that should work...
oldwestern Posted January 11, 2019 Author Posted January 11, 2019 Thanks fde101, but I can't see a way of copying and pasting a Master into a Master - any ideas? Hal.
oldwestern Posted January 11, 2019 Author Posted January 11, 2019 Also, it would require having 3 sets of rulers - 1 for the background master and 1 guide ruler for each of the pages - which might not be a bad thing H.
oldwestern Posted January 12, 2019 Author Posted January 12, 2019 fde101 - OK, I created an 8 page A5 Booklet. Master A is the default double page spread. Master B single Page Master for Left Hand pages and Master C a single page master for Right Hand pages. Yes, one can can apply Master A to the doublepage spreads AND apply a single page Master (B or C) as appropriate on top of the spread master....HOWEVER ... The ruler measure only displays the base double-page spread ruler - so still no way to create multiple rulers. each with their own rule measure. :-(
fde101 Posted January 12, 2019 Posted January 12, 2019 Unfortunately it appears that master pages do not inherit guides from other master pages. I believe that would be a good feature request, and I would like to see that happen too, so I am adding that in the appropriate forum as I do not believe this is a bug.
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