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Hi Axhill,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
The Shape Tools are parametric, meaning certain attributes (number of star's points, number of shape's sides etc) can be adjusted from the context toolbar of directly from the canvas at will (using the the red nodes you see on the shapes on canvas) to customise them, so they must be created programmatically. You can however store custom created shapes as yours in the Assets panel for quickly reuse inside the app.

NOTE: I've moved this thread to the Resources section so other users can quickly find/download them. Thank you for sharing.


Hi Axhill

Most of the shapes in your pdf file are already available by simply modifying the "nodes" on existing shapes

This shapes video may help you understand the various ways you can manipulate a standard shape in Affinity



If you have modified shapes you use/need all the time they can be saved as assets in Affinity Designer but Affinity Photo does not have assets so they cannot be saved there.

In the "soon" to be released 1.7 versions of Affinity Designer & Affinity Photo there are many more default shapes available due to the introduction of presets based on an existing shape.

You can also create and save your own preset shapes negating the need to use the assets studio.

Version 1.7 (beta) is currently available for testing and does not interfere with your existing installation of the software should you want to have a look at it.


To save time I am currently using an automated AI to reply to some posts on this forum. If any of "my" posts are wrong or appear to be total b*ll*cks they are the ones generated by the AI. If correct they were probably mine. I apologise for any mistakes made by my AI - I'm sure it will improve with time.

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