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Raw developer

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Affinity Photo is an excellent editor, but a bad raw converter. Chromatic aberration works very poorly because it is corrected after the image has been developed. Photoninja, DXO, Rawtherapee and Lightroom, for example, work at an earlier stage in the development. The result is perfect in these programs! If you try using Defringe to help chromatic aberration to improve, the outcome affected larger areas of color even in the middle of the picture. Defringe does not impress.

Another thing: Choosing Apple (Core Image Raw) causes me to get a black image if the Raw file is from my Canon 600D. Other Raw files are ok. All Raw files works with Serif Lab.

I give up and use Rawtherapee today for my Raw files and Affinity Photo for everything else. It works.

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Hi Jornerik :)

Thanks for the feedback, we're always looking to update and improve Affinity and we're working in part on the Develop Persona currently.

Chromatic aberration reduction can be done during the development process, or after developing. When developing an image, under the Lens tab, there is an option for Chromatic Aberration Reduction, however this may not always completely negate the Chromatic Aberration, hence we also provide a secondary adjustment post develop.

I'll move this thread to our Feature Requests and Feedback section of the forums as this is a more suitable place for this post :) 

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I agree that more actions should be able to be taken during the develop, such as multiple successive passes at Chromatic Aberration removal, or Defringing, with the SAME ability to set color/sensitivty/etc that we can with the filter once developed.

Swapping channels/etc should also be possible prior to developing.

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Hi Dan C,

Both in the Development person and in the Photo person the Chromatic Aberration Reduction is done by replacing the purple color by black color and in most of the cases is better to have the purple color than the black color. This purple color is basically in the border of burned areas or high lights changing fast to shadows. I suggest to replace this purple color by a soft transition between the colors of the both sides of the purple color. I think that this will be better solution than just replace by black

Affinity Photo 1.6.7 in Mac

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