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Character tab freezing unexpectedly

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Hey guys,

it happened to me now several times, that by scrolling the character tab to its end, I kind of freezed it there. I try to scroll up again but it just jumps a bit and goes back to the end of the tab like there is nothing to scroll. Any ideas?


Bildschirmfoto 2018-11-01 um 18.23.32.png

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Hey mawie,

I got this on my first attempt. I'll inform the developers for you.

Okay, it seems like it freezes but it seems that when your mouse pointer is over the Optical Alignment area of the panel, the mouse wheel doesn't work as I was mousing over the fields.

If I place my cursor higher up in the panel or over the scrollbar, it scrolls freely.

Thanks :) 

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Thanks for checking. :) 
Unfortunately there is no "placing the cursor higher up in the panel" for me, because I use a 13" Mac and the standard studio configuration results in the clipping of the area above the Optical Alignment table (as seen in my screenshot). But I found a workaround for the problem and I will use it till it's fixed.

Thanks again.


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