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I hope this something that I am doing wrong. When importing a raw file which has keywords assigned to it in a sidecar file, Affinity photo doesn't seem to  use the keywords.  Therefore when I  export to a tiff file there are no keywords included in the tiff file.

I am opening the raw file using 'open with' in Windows explorer. What am I  doing wrong?



That is because Affinity does not read the sidecar files. You can assign metadata to a RAW file with digital asset managers. I use a legacy copy of Adobe Bridge CS3 for this, but there are many others.


Windows 11, Affinity Photo 2.4.2 Designer 2.4.2 and Publisher 2.4.2 (mainly Photo).

CPU: Intel Core i5 8500 @ 3.00GHz. RAM: 32.0GB  DDR4 @ 1063MHz, Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050


Yes, that's what  am doing, but my workflow, at the moment, is to cull and keyword all the photos from a shoot and then edit the keepers. With affinity photo,  this does not work as the keywords get lost. I  had hoped it was something that I was doing wrong :-(

Thanks for your reply. 


4 hours ago, Tony H-S said:

Yes, that's what  am doing, but my workflow, at the moment, is to cull and keyword all the photos from a shoot and then edit the keepers.

What software are you using to view, cull, & add keywords to the photos? It is best to embed as much of the keywords & other metadata into the photo file itself (in part because that metadata always travels with the file, maximizing portability).

Because of that, some software provides provisions to do that, sometimes including the ability to retrieve some metadata from sidecar files and/or some metadata that is stored in the file system (which is yet another place keywords & such can be stored).

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.7 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7


Hi, I  use Lightroom as my assett management software. Here I cull, keyword ect. Then Capture one for raw editing and converting to a final tif file. I will then use affinity photo for any major tidying up of the photo.

I was hoping to cut out the capture one for raw development,  but that does not seem possible. This not a major problem as the current workflow does work well, just seeing if I  could simplify it :-)


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