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problem with table frame inset

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Hi, Trying now to rewrite my 70pages catalogue into publisher, and came to tables :)

+ 3mm on left/right isnt same 3mm on top/bottom as you can see on first screen. And, if you are clicking to change the number, traces of the borders stay on the screen.

Now to questions - i have table here, it is having round corners - did i miss some setting... again? or is it not possible? :)  
and, i would like to add  objects in the cells, and have them behave like text - adjust aligning, margins, etc. Ideally same as in indd - like custom check icons, or just circles. To make easily something
 like you can see in the next screen. Is it possible? The inline pasting of the objects is simply great in many cases - like if you are writing manual and have some icons that you like to flow with text and behave like text...





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  • 2 weeks later...

In Publisher I cannot recreate the inset problem. It may have been an issue in a previous version.

Curved corners on tables is not supported, neither are inline graphics in text or tables. Your table is (in my opinion) much more a graphic than a table. Therefore I would use Affinity Designer for that element and place it as such. Inline graphics are a much requested feature, though. I like to believe that Serif will implement it sooner rather than later.



Edited by TomGerritzen
Answer was not quiet right.
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On second thought you will be able to get very close, with some workarounds.

Draw a rectangle as large as the table. The rectangle can have round corners. Set the table frame inset to 3mm e.g. Remove the outer table borders (that is: of the cells, not the frame).

For your icons you could of course use a special font, such as FontAwesome. Splash in a bit of colour and you're nearly there! See attachment for the result.

Affinity Designer Table Insets.PNG

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks guys. To be honest, if there is no graphics (dont need images but graphics generally) inside the tables and text, then its sadly no-go for many many people.... Just have done 50+ pages manual, and changing one sentence was nightmare, as all the icons / images were in the minute off their place and had to be manually positioned.  Try to do some serious work in it. You will be so pissed off, that you will just add the feature ASAP ;) 

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