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Bug on accentued letter

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(First sorry for my weak english.)

I get problem with the letter with diacritic sign like : ¨or ^  Noêl, ciguë, forêt ...

I get   :    No^êl or cigu¨ë, the diacritic sign is placed twice first alone before the letter, second correctly on the letter.


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  • 3 months later...

My name has an acute accent in it, and it is so annoying having to go into a different program, write that "é", copying, and then pasting it back into Affinity Designer - every time I want a diacritic! Remembering all the ALT codes is so tiresome. Do you have any progress on this yet? 

It has been an issue since I bought Designer in March, and it still haven't been fixed! Please do something about this, ASAP. See the attached image for what it looks like when I try to write the accute accent as I do in any other software ("alt gr" + "backslash" on a Norwegian keyboard). 


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