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"Problematic" selection lines when using Layer Effects

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I have fallen in love with AF Designer. Wonderful to get some new energies as a graphical designer after 20+ Adobe / Quark years.


Question: When I select an object it shows its selection with a blue line around the object (for scaling purposes etc). However when you right click and choose > Layer Effects this line blocks my view when I for example fine tune "shadows" and other effects. Now I have to adjust, click away from the object, see the difference and click back. Isn´t there a better way to do this? So you can "preview the changes live" and still "know that this object are selected" ?


Question 2: Aligning of 2 objects relative to each other. I have a square and another rectangle. I want to adjust the rectangle relative to the square as a master. In Illustrator I can choose the "master" of two or to use the "canvas" as a master. I struggle to understand how this is working in AF Designer. I see sometimes I align to the canvas and sometimes to the "larger object". Any help on understanding this is highly valued.


Keep up the great work!

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  • Staff

Hello moooztar,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

1) We are aware of this. As a workaround press Space to temporally hide objects controls.


2) There's currently no way to align one object in relation to another. This should be improved later.

Presently you can align in relaltion to objects's selection bounding box (called Selection Bounds in the drop down), to the Spread (the document itself) and to the Margins (when defined in File -> Document Setup...)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I really, really +1 the need to be able to toggle the bounding box visibility on and off without holding down a key. when you're making minute adjustments to position or type it's a huge pain to have to keep clicking away from objects or using space bar on, space bar off, not being able to see your object in between changes.

Command H in Illustrator

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