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designer crop tool

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Hello Elf, and welcome to the Affinity forum.


You are going to have to give a little more information before anyone here will be able to assist you.


At present your post is tantamount to saying... "Car - Can't use this car."



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My wife has been using Designer and has a problem with cropping out a portion of one of her images. When she attempts to do so, the crop tool removes the entire image from the screen, failing to crop anything. I use Affinity Photo primarily. She expected to remove the unwanted portion of her design, leaving the remainder in tact. The video seems to be inoperable, although, I will forward this information to her and attempt to make heads of tails of it myself. Thank you for the response.

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Bonjour Elf,

Pour éliminer une partie d'une photo avec Designer, vous pouvez "Placer" la photo puis passer à "Pixel Persona".

Une fois dans "Pixel Persona", faire un clic droit sur la vignette de la photo (dans le panneau des calques) et choisir "Tramer". À côté de la vignette de la photo, 'Image" est remplacé par "Pixel".

Ensuite choisir un "Outil de sélection" sur la partie à supprimer et appuyer sur la touche "Suppr".

Terminer avec "Ctrl + D" pour supprimer les "fourmis marchant".



Hello Elf,

To eliminate a part of a photo with Designer, you can "Place" the photo then switch to "Pixel Persona".

Once in "Pixel Persona", right click on the thumbnail of the photo (in the layer panel) and choose "Rasterise...". Next to the thumbnail of the photo, 'Image' is replaced by 'Pixel'.

Then choose a "Selection Tool" on the part to delete and press the "Delete" key.

Finish with "Ctrl + D" to delete the "Marching ants".



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I was a bit daunted by this problem as well. Once I learned how to use artboards the final cropping problem disappears. Using the artboard tool you can resize the complete image, with all layers and edits intact, to the exact right size. Then export the artboard in the export persona. Using the artboard tool you can quickly trim off unwanted transparent areas.

You can do the same thing by going to the export persona and use the slice tool to tell affinity photo what part of the doc to export as a slice.

Affinity Designer has taken some getting used to, but i am really enjoying it. With artboards and slices you can have many sizes and versions of a file in one document, and control exactly what you wish to export.

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