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I have been using the trial for a couple of days and this is obviously excellent software.


Is there a way to purchase from within the trial, or do I have to go back and download the software again as a purchase.


Also, what are the trial limitations? Only time? I did not see a way to have more than one file open at the same time, and thought that might be another limitation.




Steve K

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Hi Steve,


Really glad you're enjoying the trial! :) You can open as many documents as you like - just go back to the File->Open dialog and try some more and they'll all open at once - you can even multi-select them in the open dialog to load/import many simultaneously :)


As Miguel says, Affinity Designer is only available from the Mac App Store, so you need to buy it through there, but it means that you get Apple's iCloud support and automatic updating so it's a nice way to buy things, generally :) Once you've got the Mac App Store version, why not try the beta version available on our forums here so you can try out all the upcoming features before they're released! :)


Thanks again!


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Thanks for the replies.


I see now that multiple documents are supported with tabs. I thought they would be Windows, as in some other software. What confused me is that if I opened a new document, I only saw one choice in the Windows menu. Now I see the tabs. Thank you.

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I'm an existing Photoshop (CS5) customer and just learned about this product...

$50 is a great price point, but like other comparable Photoshop competitors, only offering via the Apple store is a deal breaker for me personally, and I can't imagine an organization of any size buying multiple licenses this way.


What are the chances you'll reconsider having the full version only available via the Apple store?

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MEB, maybe it's a good idea to put up the information regarding volume purchases to a prominent place, cause it makes life easier for anyone who is in need of more than one license (small agencies, ...) which are not necessarily aware of the volume programme by apple via the App Store?!

iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017), i7 4.2, Radeon 580 Pro 8 GB, 40 GB DDR4-RAM, 1 TB Flash, macOS 10.14.6

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