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in AP, how do I reorder layers? Every time I try and drag a layer down, in shoves it inside whichever layer is at the point where I release the mouse.


I have tried shift dragging, also to no avail?

This one has me stumped :(


Any help appreciated.



High-End Photographic Prints



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Hi He who hates turnips,


Dragging and dropping the layers in the Layers Tab is best way to re arrange them. You should see a blue bar appear when you are dragging it in the Layers tab. If it looks like the blue bar in my first screenshot it means the Layer will become a child of the Layer you are hovering over when you release the mouse. If the blue bar appears like the one in my second screenshot it means the Layer will be places above or below the Layer you are hovering over :)




I hope this helps!




Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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Ok - so I need to drag down and to the left to reorder, and down and to the right to nest - that's different :)


Thanks-a-roony, I R Baboony.

(Just had one of those weird dejavu moments) - I'm sure I must have already said that before somewhere??

High-End Photographic Prints



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