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Edit an selection

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Hi folks,

first excuse my poor english, greetings from germany ;-)


The first thing I tried after installation was to make a selection and to edit it. I made a rectangle selection and tried to add another rectagle selection by select "Add" in the upper bar. But when I tried to add the second selection I moved the first instead. Second try was successfully, but why? After some try and error i realized, that adding (and subtracting) is only possible from outside the first selection. When trying to add (or subtract) from inside an selection you automatically move the first selection. Is this how it is meant to be?


Greetings from Germany
Jochen Kubik


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We believe this issue is fixed in the latest beta (beta 6) and will be included in the forthcoming 1.6 public release

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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