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Brush actuates when panning with mouse

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A bug occurs when I have the paint brush tool selected, and I'm panning with the spacebar using the left click on a normal mouse. In addition to panning normally, about half the clicks actuates the paint brush tool and paints a single click's worth of paint on the canvas. This forum doesn't let me upload videos, so here's the video showing what happens.


This is on Windows 10 64-bit with Intel i7-4790k CPU with Intel HD 4600 graphics (the integrated graphics that comes with the CPU).


Hope this helps. I'm very excited about Affinity Photo coming to Windows.


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Hmm, i've just seen another user post that they have encountered this issue but we haven't been able to reproduce it yet.


It might be OS specific so i'll do some more testing.


I don't suppose you have the AD beta installed currently and can tell me if you also get it in that? I assume each time you move using the pan tool it adds a history entry too?

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I've been able to reproduce this:

- select the Brush Tool

- press Space and drag the canvas clicking on the left mouse button - don't release the Space bar key

- just click again with the left-mouse button (or click and do small drag movements) with the space bar still down  

It leaves marks all over the place for each click.  


Issue logged.                                                            

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