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Thanks, Ashcat,

I created it in Affinity Photo.

The bottom layer is a simple Pattern layer of a brush stroke/dab Then I created a couple of other brush strokes, added 3D and Emboss to them, then used Duplicate and Rotate (Ctrl J) to rotate them by moving the object's centre so the rotation was around one end of the brush stroke (rather than around the centre of the object), overlaying the brush strokes partially.

Once the rotation of the brush stroke was done. I duplicated and resized it a few time, making a couple of them smaller and a couple larger, then positioned them on the canvas, then I  laid a simple gold orb brush dab (to which I added 3D and Emboss effect to) on top. Then I rotated and duplicated it around a central point so I ended up with a ring of gold orbs.

It's surprising what you can do with just a couple of brush strokes or dabs. I applied a couple of gold Gradient Maps to them - a white gold one and a yellow gold one - to keep the gold colour consistent...

If you'd like a step-by-step tutorial with screengrabs, let me know. The above might not make any sense without visuals. Also, when you rotate a brush stroke that overlaps itself around a central point, you find when you reach the last duplicate that it stands out because of the overlapping shape in the rotation. But there are ways around this... 😀

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