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Duplicating objects - More functionality

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(Copied from the Windows Beta forum)


Although the current "duplicate object" functionality is quite nice (although it can probably be streamlined), I really hope it will be expanded upon.

In particular, I'd like to be able to:

1    Select an object
2   Activate "Duplicate Matrix" (or whatever it would be called)
3    Drag to a different X - Y coordinate and drop
4    Select number of copies in the X and Y directions (using the mouse wheel?)
    These copies will then be placed between the original object and the new dropped one in ghosted form
    I should still be able to adjust both the position of the dropped "target" and the number of copies while the tool is "live"
5    Commit the duplication

Being able to add random "jitter" to the copies, e.g. rotation, scale, would be nice too.

Also, I haven't found a way to do a similar thing (but not as a matrix) along a path (curve)

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Windows beta test :

1: Add duplicate:  Alt + rotate ( rotate and duplicate in the same time )

                            Alt + scale ( scale and duplicate in the same time )


2: Transform panel: Add Duplicate number of copies that is connected to rotation and scale

 Ex: Rotate 15 degree and duplicate 10 times ( something similar to Ctrl+ j Method, just that is automatically )   

 Transform panel bug at rotation? - If you change the rotation center pivot,  and you rotate the object from the transform panel, the rotation is calculated still from the middle of the object


Missing function : -  Add Perspective


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