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I recently started working on a newly created startup company, and since the budget is kinda limited atm, the iMac I'm using right now ( as a graphic designer ) is borrowed from another company. Anyway, we're currently paying for an adobe subscription but Affinity is way cheaper - the question is, is it as good ? So I downloaded the trial and after installing, it said that the Trial period was expired. I can only assume someone who was using this mac before had already tried affinity.  How can I get a trial reset, or something like it ? 

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  • Staff

Hi Lyxs,


Welcome to the Forums :)


Unfortunately once the trial has expired it isn't possible for us to reset/extend it. Sorry!



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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[…] the question is, is it as good ?


[…] How can I get a trial reset, or something like it ? 


In many points … it is better.


Perhaps you want to wait and test the free beta of Affinity on Windows … and have a look into the video tutorials

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You could always try it on your home computer, just  a thought. The price for Affinity's apps are incredibly reasonable. While I can understand and appreciate that money is tight with a start up company I don't think that spending around $50 (depending on which country you are in) would be a problem even for the thriftiest of companies. I hope that you are able to try Affinity's apps, they are worth every bit of the money spent on them and more. 



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