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Some of the newer ones seem to have gone walkabout. For instance, Tutorial: Channels: Creating/Storing Selections - that seems to have gone. I think there are three others. All of which appear to be the latest additions... I have cleared my browsing cache in case I'm being led to an earlier 'edition' of the site. The latest one shown is 'Non-Destructive in painting and cloning.



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  • Staff

Hi, the tutorials are all still there; Vimeo has a 100 video limit for grabbing information via its API to display on the website and we're now at 103 for Photo. This meant there had to be an architectural change for how the videos were populated; essentially, multiple requests rather than one. We suspect what the issue is and hope to be able to fix it soon.


I would recommend checking out the forum thread Lee linked to above, as we're able to structure that more efficiently and make it easier to find the videos you're looking for.



Product Expert (Affinity Photo) & Product Expert Team Leader

@JamesR_Affinity for tutorial sneak peeks and more
Official Affinity Photo tutorials

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Thanks for the information. I previously had been following the tutorials on https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/tutorials/photo/and it is from there that they have disappeared. This web page doesn't seem to have any connection with Vimeo.....


But I see that the tutorial that I was interested in is indeed available through the link that Lee provided, so thanks again.

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