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In diesem Affinity Photo Tutorial zeige ich wie man den Gras-Text-Effekt erstellt. 

Ein Klassiker, den man immer wieder sieht. Er ist schnell und einfach zu machen. Passt zum Frühling.



In this Affinity Photo Tutorial, I show you how to create the Grass-Text-Effect. 

Classical, and to find everywhere. It is fast and easy to produce, even in spring.

Ciao Jack 


Affinity Jack

Video-Tutorials on YouTube in German with English Subtitles

Link to my YouTube-Channel: AFFINITY JACK


Author in the team of www.affinitytutorials.de, the website all about Affinity Photo & Affinity Designer




Dank Jack für ein weiteres tolles Tutorial und eine brillante Idee.

Hi Horslip,

vielen Dank!

Die Idee ist nicht komplett neu. Man sieht diesen Effekt gelegentlich. 

Ich habe ihn aber etwas verändert.

Manche Dinge finde ich einfach gut.

Ciao Jack 

Affinity Jack

Video-Tutorials on YouTube in German with English Subtitles

Link to my YouTube-Channel: AFFINITY JACK


Author in the team of www.affinitytutorials.de, the website all about Affinity Photo & Affinity Designer




Thank you Affinity Jack, I love your tutorials. I only speak English but your subtitles are fun. You seem to have such a great time using this software. Thank you for your generosity in sharing.

Hello p_mac,


thank you very much!

I'm definitely not the best, even not in english... :D  :lol: .

But also definitely, I have fun with experimenting, sharing, learning and discussing.

Trying to turn ideas into projects.

And I'm pleased, you recognized that.

Greetings from Berlin

Ciao Jack 

Affinity Jack

Video-Tutorials on YouTube in German with English Subtitles

Link to my YouTube-Channel: AFFINITY JACK


Author in the team of www.affinitytutorials.de, the website all about Affinity Photo & Affinity Designer



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