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Live Perspective Layer crashes program

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In Affinity Photo 1.4.2 beta 3, trying to use the Live Perspective Layer on pretty much any object (shape or pixel layer) crashes the program (drag the grid control handles around a lot--on my low-strength MacBook Air 2010, the program crashes every time).


Regards, Travis

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Can you be a bit more specific about what you are doing when this happens? For example, do you have a single layer? Or multiple layers? If multiple, are you working on the top layer? The bottom layer? Something in the middle? Do you have multiple active filters on the same layer? Or only one? Are you working on a raw image, tiff or jpg?


If you can give some specifics perhaps some of us can try to recreate the problem and see if it is your machine or a general problem.

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I simply created a new image, added a cog, then applied live perspective to it. After 20-30 seconds of modifying the grid (which is anything but fluid--the perspective tool in the toolbox works perfectly fluidly...), the app crashes.  Have a look at the video I've attached.  I suspect it is related to my underpowered MacBook Air.  Will give it a try on my 2012 Mac Mini tomorrow.


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I have been able to duplicate this problem. In my case I loaded a tiff, used the Perspective Filter and dragged the upper left corner toward the center of the image. When I got near the center point of the image the app froze and then crashed. I have now done this twice, both times with crashes.


I could not create this problem with the Perspective Tool. I can supply a crash dump if anyone is interested.

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