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Select and rotate issues


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To the Affinity people. Attached an over simplified circle illustration, to make a point.
It also occurs in complex designs. With multiple layers and rotations needing highly accuracy, it can become bit messy.

- When zooming in certain amount, not able to select shapes directly (In both v1 and v2. Can select in layers panel of course)
- When duplicating and rotating, it does not center accurate. (Tried multiple rotation techniques like shape and curve layer, manual + transform tool and power duplicate, in cm and px document etc)

Hope you can re-evaluate and fix some more accuracy issues.

Rotate & Duplicate.mov

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Hi Darner,
Affinity's circles are not perfect geometric circles but an approximation 
using Bezier curves thus duplicating and rotating them may display minor deviations from the "true" value at high zoom levels. This issue is logged with dev. We hope to improve this in future versions using a different way to render the circles.

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