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Offset Tool not available from stand alone FX panel

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How come if I use the effects panel that is part of the layers panel to set the several of the FX like Inner Shadow there is a Offset Tool to make the offset easier to set.  But If I use the stand alone FX panel by clicking the FX at the bottom of the layers panel there is no Offset Tool.  Shouldn't it be available from both FX panels?



iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) with macOS Sierra

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Hi Gear maker,


Thank you for the information I will pass this along to our developers. you can adjust the offset in both of the FX panels by left clicking and holding the mouse button on the drop shadow and adjust its position by moving the mouse.




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Hi Gear mkaer,

I believe this is by design. The Effects panel is meant to be a quick way to access the most commonly used features/controls. Clicking on the cog icon will then open the stand alone dialog where more advanced controls are available. If you look carefully, there's also other controls missing in the Effect Panel - Intensity sliders, alignment types etc - depending on the Effect you choose.

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Hi Darren, I can't get that to work.  If I don't use the Offset button the whole layer moves (as it should).  Only the slider moves the offset with the Layer Effects panel.  


Hi MEB, as you mention the standalone Layer Effects panel is supposed to be an unabridged version of the abridged dockable Effects panel.  But the Offset button is missing from the unabridged and is in the abridged.  That's backwards.  It's the only thing missing from the Layer Effects panel that is in the Effects panel that I have found.


I have to admit that I never use the abridged dockable Effects panel, it has just too few controls for most uses.  That's why I didn't notice the absence of the Offset button in the unabridged Layer Effects until a few days ago.  But that button sure would make it easier to use.  I used to turn off the Effects panel in View Studio, now I have turned it back on again to access that button.

iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) with macOS Sierra

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