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Anchor handling is broken


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renaming and moving anchors seems to be broken. The sample apub file and an animation is attached. I am on the latest Apub2 version.

I have a file coming from Apub 1 and whenever I try to use anchors they behave very inconsistently.

Please check the gif inside the zip. Changing hierarchies of anchors then renaming them sometimes simply reset the anchors name and hierarchy position. I have over a 100 anchors in my document that behave in that way, which makes it very hard to work with them. Since some are already used as hyperlinks I would prefer not to spend a couple of hours again to redo everything.

anchor_test.afpub anchors-anim.zip

Affinity User on Windows 11

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Nathan, 

So would this possible issue fix include the anchor ordering in the anchors panel? I was hoping that version 2 would solve this but it hasn't. I really need to be able to control the order of anchors instead of always being alphabetic. Otherwise it's just too mind-boggling trying to make sense of the document structure with them out of order of their real position. Even if the final PDF does put them in the correct order as they are on the pages. 

Thanks, Kevin

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13 minutes ago, Kevin B said:

So would this possible issue fix include the anchor ordering in the anchors panel? I was hoping that version 2 would solve this but it hasn't. I really need to be able to control the order of anchors instead of always being alphabetic. Otherwise it's just too mind-boggling trying to make sense of the document structure with them out of order of their real position. Even if the final PDF does put them in the correct order as they are on the pages. 

Hi @Kevin B,

This issue relates to nesting anchors rather than re-ordering them, we do have an issue logged with the developers regarding the anchor re-ordering not working, so I've bumped this issue against V2 with your report.

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  • 1 year later...
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The issue "Renaming Nested Anchors Moves them" (REF: AF-1278) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Serif Info Bot to notify us.

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