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I have tried everything I could think of. 
I have two artboards and a few objects and text, and from one saving point to the next I got all these outlines. They can only be seen when viewed on black background (e.g. my graphics viewer), but I want discreet edges for print and not white or grey outlines, wherever they came from.

Also it seems to me (but it might be an optical illusion), that some of the stripes are not black. I did check every single object in depth, and I can't find anything other than black 000 or a stroke anywhere. What else can I try?

I forgot to mention, it is a transparent background with black objects and I exported it to png.

I have sorted out the uneven pixels as mentioned in the below thread, it didn't help.





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I don't understand what file format you did export when you say the lines "can only be seen when viewed on black background (e.g. my graphics viewer)". – Can you upload a screenshot of your used export 'More' options window?

In case your exported file is mainly transparent then the lines could be caused by partially transparency at object edges, e.g. as left overs of a former pixel selection + delete procedure on a pixel layer.

Also, thin lines around objects are reported various times exported PDF. They can have several reasons, for instance
• at the edge of vector & raster when a vector objects got partially rasterized on export,
• when different colours spaces / profiles (document vs. resource) meet in case of transparency.
One way to avoid this is for instance to rasterize involved layers before export or to adjust involved colour spaces / profiles.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Exporting vector objects like text to pixel formats like png  leads to anti-aliasing: both alpha and color values get smoothed for edge pixels.

you can deactivate anti-aliasing for every layer in blend options. This will create hard edges, but it seems that is what you intend to get.


top: AA active

bottom: AA inactive



Mac mini M1 A2348 | Windows 10 - AMD Ryzen 9 5900x - 32 GB RAM - Nvidia GTX 1080

LG34WK950U-W, calibrated to DCI-P3 with LG Calibration Studio / Spider 5

iPad Air Gen 5 (2022) A2589

Special interest into procedural texture filter, edit alpha channel, RGB/16 and RGB/32 color formats, stacking, finding root causes for misbehaving files, finding creative solutions for unsolvable tasks, finding bugs in Apps.

My posts focus on technical aspects and leave out most of social grease like „maybe“, „in my opinion“, „I might be wrong“ etc. just add copy/paste all these softeners from this signature to make reading more comfortable for you. Otherwise I’m a fine person which respects you and everyone and wants to be respected.


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Hi @nicolleen

3 hours ago, nicolleen said:

I forgot to mention, it is a transparent background with black objects and I exported it to png.

The problem, only becomes visible when you export?
Were these black objects at some point in another color? If not, then its not the same problem Im about to describe.

3 hours ago, nicolleen said:

Also it seems to me (but it might be an optical illusion), that some of the stripes are not black.

It is possible to replicate something similar in affinity photo. The difference is that you dont even need to export which leads me to think its not the same problem.
And yes, the stripes can be in any color.


But then again, i suspect its not the same problem.

The problem occurs when you change the object's color and the anti aliasing of the last used color is retained, not following the object's color change.

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Thank you very much for the many suggestions and explanations!
I will try everything you said, and there is a lot that I didn't know.

I have started a new document and had the same effect. Therefore I tend to think, it is independent of my objects (colour change or rasterising, antialiasing,...), but rather one of the very first of your suggestions, some mismatch of colour profile. 
Thanks again, when I have found the solution, I will let you know.

lg from Vienna,


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