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SVG Display and/or Import Bug


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just by accident I discovered a SVG Bug in Affinity Designer on Windows (the same error occurs on Designer for iPad too). As you can see in the picure below, the pasted or imported SVG in Affinity Designer looks completely different than it should. The SVG file can be found here: https://static.junioreurovision.tv/dist/assets/images/jesc/2021/logo_white.76c1cb1c8711ad66f32f..svg (should this link not work, I archived it on archive.org)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @activivan,

My sincerest apologies for the delayed response here, we were extremely busy over the Christmas period and working from home during the pandemic is unfortunately extending our response window to be longer than normal, many thanks for your continued patience and understanding here.

I can confirm that this SVG file is displaying the same issue as linked in v_kyr's post - unfortunately there is a known bug in Affinity for SVG files that use 'references' for gradient stops.

Essentially, in your SVG file there are a few gradients defined using colour values, which import correctly, and other gradients which 'reference' the colour valued gradients to instruct the SVG to use the same values for these further gradients.

The gradients being drawn using this 'reference' method aren't being parsed correctly in Affinity, and this is the bug that is currently logged with our developers.

I'll be sure to 'bump' this report for you now, I hope this helps!

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