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Hey. Recently ive been experiencing a really… really… annoying glitch on affinity designer. 

Basically, ive saved a working document to my files, ive opened the saved file to work on it. But even after i save it and leave the app to go find a resource to paste in the document, when i come back it hasnt saved. As you can imagine this is intrinsically irritating and frustrating because i can do some work, leave the app and then for it to be undone. 

My icloud and ipad storage is fine, nowhere near maxed out. Has anyone else experienced this and know why??????

27 minutes ago, JPrice98 said:

Basically, ive saved a working document to my files, ive opened the saved file to work on it.

When you say “to my files”, do you mean the app’s sandbox (i.e. the AD home screen)? Or are you saving to iCloud or an ‘On My iPad’ folder?

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)


Saved to icloud. 

Few weeks back i had a problem with my storage, affinity was taking up 30GB of storage for no reason at all… a problem shared by others too. So they advised to save your work to your icloud and open it up to work on it. And it worked, so now every new document i start i instantly save it to my icloud files, close the file and open it via the icloud file.  Im on ipad pro btw

Only now i experience 2 problems. 

Problem 1: There comes a point where the app wont save the document. I’ll press the save button but it does nothing, when usually what happens is a progress wheel with the word “Save” underneath which tells you its currently saving. Except after a while it doesnt do this… so i have to “Save a copy”  to my icloud, under the same name to replace the existing icloud document and open it again via icloud.

Problem 2: It will save with the spinning progress wheel but its almost like it glitches when i leave the app. I’ll do about 5 mins work, saving after every change to make sure im not caught out… go off the app to safari or something and when i come back either the app has restarted and didnt save the last 5 mins or it will just not save. Its very frustrating.

  • Staff

Are you using the Save command from the Document menu or the Designer homer screen and can you also please let me know the version of iPadOS that you are running as I have not been able to replicate this issue on my iPad Pro.


I “save a copy” when im actually saving the document to my icloud for the first time. But after i have opened the saved document, from my icloud, i click the “save” button on the document menu as shown below. 

Ipad OS is ios 15.1

It gets on my nerves because i know that when i click the “Save” it does actually save the document, its just lately it glitches when i leave the app and when i come back it hasnt…. But not every time… 



Might also want to mention that whenever you try and alter a number whether its the line weight or HSL then numbers jump or does something stupid. 

Like if you try and type a number in to create a certain colour it will jump to 100… and if you try and change the line weight it sometimes doubles it…

its like you have to be a skilled computer programmer to know how to tap the numbers so it doesnt jump or double or anything….

  • 7 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/26/2022 at 1:23 PM, Spookyzoo said:

This is still happening, very frustrating.


Going back into iPad and then finding that the recent progress has not been saved.


Any word on a fix?



happened to me, too...work of a day lost...so is there any update about a fix?

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