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It seems that links that contain double letters are broken, for example:

kartoffelstranger.xyz ends up as elstranger.xyz, however kartofelstranger.xyz (only one f) works as expected.

If someone knows of a workaround for the time being, I'd be grateful~

I've attached an example file with the previous examples.

MacOS: 11.5.1
Publisher: 1.10.4



I am not seeing any links in the documents, so a quick test is not possible.

My guess is that the ff ligature may be causing an issue.
Inter does not have an ff standard ligature.
Noto Sans KR does have an ff standard ligature (zoom-in and you can see they are connected).

So try disabling Standard Ligatures on that link text and see if that helps.

But I am wondering if and how that would/could affect the text of the link which is entered via a dialog.
Does not make sense.
Is APub applying standard ligatures to the entered link text?
If that is the case it is clearly a bug.

Update ...
I added a URL (http://kartoffelstranger.xyz) to your second doc with standard ligatures still On.
And did Export to PDF, and the link looks correct in the PDF.
So I am now not sure what your issue is exactly.

Please post the original doc with the links in it.
And the PDF from that doc which shows the issue.

Edit: some PDF readers will convert text which looks like URLs into links.
Is that what is going on?
Then it would make sense that the ligature would affect this.
One option would be to disable the standard ligatures.
A better option would be to actually put the links into the document.


Hello @LibreTraining

Thank you very much for your extensive answer that did not only solve my issue, but taught me a lot too!

Exactly what you've described in your edit was the case for me, MacOS preview converted the text to links, but couldn't handle the ligatures properly. I've opened the pdf in another application and the issue was gone, aka the text has not been converted to a link.

A quick explanation what threw me off, so maybe someone else won't stumble over the same issue. I did try to add a hyperlink to the text, but after exporting and opening it with preview the same issue persisted, the links being cut short at the ligatures. But just now I realised that the checkbox 'Include hyperlinks' under the 'more' menu was unchecked, and after enabling it the links work as expected, with or without ligatures.

Again, thank you very much!

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