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V 1.10 / WIN 10

I checked out 1.10 on a number of books, made by 1.8... (mainly converted to 1.9.2) and new books, made with 1.9.2

1. On some extensive books nothing can be done, even copying a frame or moving through pages only, Afpub 1.10 disappear immediatly from the screen. I tried V 1127, it did not happend that way (on a short test)

2. Throughout many books on several paragraphs the character space (or whatever the real cause is) is changed extremly, see pic (this problem is already within V 1127, as I found out now by a short test).

(What can I do? - I returned for the time being to 1.9.2 instantly.)



I am guessing that you have some how turned off the auto hyphenation.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.


Hi Old Bruce,

no ... both versions  (I checked V 1127 beta & 1.9.2)  using the same settings (auto hyphenation = ON).
Additionally I inspected all fields in the character panel and in the paragraph panel, there is no differnece between both AFpub versions.

And, all paragraphs in all books using defined text styles, they shouldn't change at all by using a newer Afpub-version ... but they do ..

I made some tests now (see pic, I added some words before a long word, top 1.9.2, bottom v1127 - the dash is not the cause, I tried very long words w/o a dash as well ). Even so, all settings in the text styles are the same, 1.9.2. does separate a long word, 1127 doesn't do that anymore. The problem persists, even other fonts (like Arial) are used.

And I started 1127 with ctrl and deleted all entries .. no change...
renaming dictionary-propcol and programs\common\dictionary entries ... no change ...



I made now another test with a new document in V 1127, auto hyphenation = ON
In this case long words are separated.

Looks like, the problem exists only, when existing documents (1.9.2. or older versions) are been opened in V 1127 or 1.10 !?


Hi Gabe,

I uploaded the zip file now ..

Dropbox said 100% uploaded, but didn't end the transfer .. can you please check, wether you got the zip-file completly and can you open it ... ?


  • Staff

Thanks. I've had a look and the crashing issue should be fixed in the next beta. 

However, the spacing issue you see it's actually correct. in 1.9, negative letter spacing was ignored. Now, the issue has been fixed and it's reflecting what it should. 


Hi Gabe,

Thanks for looking into it. Waiting for the next beta.

Regarding letter spacing I could see now, that in 1.10, if letter spacing is approx.  -1% 0% +1% (the rather usual values) its looks "normal".
Problem for me: I have to rearrange all document (books) again. Right?

  • Staff

I'm afraid so, yeah. But you would have had to do that at some point (assuming the came from an import) if the negative spacing worked fine in 1.9. 

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