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Hi everyone,

I started using with a lot of satisfaction your wonderful affinity designer.

There is one thing I cannot understand, and ask you if it is possibile to solve it.

I work in a print company in Italy, and I frequently need to print stickers.

I have a Roland Vp 540, using Versaworks 5 suite.

When I process the PDF to be printed with affinity designer, and I save it to be printed, I notice this, and I don't know how to solve it.

I downloaded the Roland Color Spot colors, and I use the CutContour to set the Cut.

Considering that the file is the same, same structure, same layers, absolutely the same... If I export it as a pdf (for printing), and i go to Versaworks,

the cut is not present.

But if I export the same file as a pdf x-3:2003, the cut is correct, but I noticed that the quality of the print is lightly worse.

I mean, If I print all the two files, the first one is perfect, but it's not cutted, the second one is cutted, but the quality is worse.

Is there anything I could do to have the same quality of the PDF for printing with the cut recognized?

Thank you in advance, 

have a good day.

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I wonder if there is some transparency in your document. I have a Versacamm VP540 (with severe problems) and have noticed that Versaworks will not see CutContour items if there are any transparent elements in the file. Exporting to PDF X1 or X3 flattens it so the transparency is removed.

You might want to look at this post


Windows 10 Pro, I5 3.3G PC 16G RAM

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Maybe you noticed the More button in the export dialogue. When you scroll a bit down you will notice the checkbox Honour spot colours, check that and your spot will appear. Personally I use PDF (press ready) 90 % of the time.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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Not quite what I wanted. Could you upload the Affinity document? And perhaps the Roland Color Spot Library? Maybe the Roland Colour are not spot colours, when you import them to the Affinity application.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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Sorry but I don't have a native affinity document. I work for a print shop and received the file from a customer, and it's an .ai.

My usual job is just to add the cutcontour and print the stickers.

I don't remember how I could add the roland color system and color library :), but they usually work.

And, again, if the same file is saved as X3:2003, it always works.

I can add a snapshot if it could help :)

Thank you :)

Schermata 2021-04-26 alle 10.53.30.png

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