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Bookmark sublists under many conditions export out of order.

I created a list of examples of where things work and where they don’t. These are PDF files. Here is a code a came up with as I found more and more variations affecting behavior. All PDF files were made from new documents in Publisher. I never reused or deleted info on a single document.

On a Mac, green = tag “Yes” where export is ok.  Orange = tag “No” where export is out of order.

Cl = Changing Letter

Cn = Changing Number

L1 = one letter

L2 = two letters

+ = separate groups groups of letters or numbers

A> = all lowercase

RL = random letters


For example:  L4 A> + Cn  =  Four letters in lower case, space, changing number like camp 1


The PDFs show the order of of text and bookmarks in the file. The bookmarks show how the bookmarks exported.


Some observations:


A letter, space, and number export fine. A letter next to a number does not or

A # exports fine A# does not.


A# does not export but put a word in all caps before and “WORD A#” exports. However

a three letter word beginning with a capital letter does not…   “Word A#” does not export. However

an eight letter word beginning with a capital letter does export… “Bookmark A#” exports without error…..Oh boy, just discovered “Wordword A#”


AB# exports but ab# does not. So capital letters definitely change things.


You may find it helpful to search documents ending in examples with a letter and changing number. For example search the folder for “L1-Cn”.

Beta Samples.zip

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