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Export PDF without spreads

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As an Indy Author, I use both IngramSpark and Amazon KDP to publish my books. These are the most popular POD services for Indy authors. Both of them require that the PDF you upload has no spreads, and therefore has individual pages. Adobe InDesign had checkbox to enable this in its PDF export feature. Affinity Publisher does not. Therefore, with Affinity Publisher, you cannot export a PDF of your book's content for upload to the most popular POD printers out there. 

I've been getting around it because I happen to own an old version of Adobe Acrobat Pro (v. 9) and can print to a PDF and set that checkbox in the Acrobat printer driver. That's lucky for me, but other authors will not have this option. 

So, providing a way to specify having the exported PDF have no spreads, but just as individual pages, would be an important feature for this product.

I love Affinity Publisher, and have been talking it up to other Indy Authors. Keep up the awesome work with this!


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