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Screenshots on Mac have bad colors

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This error occurs across the whole line of affinity products. When making a screenshot on mac OS (iMac Pro 2017, osx 10.15.3) it has a "Display"  icc profile. Opening such a file in any Affinity software results in slightly off colors.

I tried to:

  • drop the file inside a composition
  • Open directly
  • change the settings to "convert colors automatically"

all with the same result --> wrong colors

I tested some other programs (Photoshop, Gimp, Krita, Mac Preview) where Photoshop and Gimp deliver the exact same color as the Mac Preview- the expected/ correct result. Krita is slightly off but still closer to the true color.

I attached a file with the test results. It may does not seem like a huge difference (especially on a weak screen) but if you work with webdesign and just want to take a quick screenshot of the browser and paste it into a mockup or reuse parts in a screendesign and the colors are off it is a big issue. I also tested a scenario where i made screenshots from affinity cmd+ctrl+shift+4 and paste them directly back into the same file affinity. the result is a shift in color every time (Photoshop and Gimp handle this as expexted).

please let me know if i miss anything (settings, etc.). But even if there is a way to fix it now I think this should be handled better. PS and Gimp provide a Dialog asking for color preservation when pasting/ opening a file with this icc profile.

I'm curious for your response,

best regards,

Affinity Color Management- screenshot iterations-2006030756.png


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8 hours ago, clemens.holleis said:

even when i create a file using the Display profile the color shift happens when i make the multi-screenshot test...

If your iMac's /Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Displays folder contains an Apple factory iMac profile and an Apple factory Color LCD profile, then Affinity apps can become confused and use the narrower gamut factory Color LCD profile when an image's profile is actually the wider gamut factory iMac profile, hence the wrongly desaturated colours in an Affinity app. This problem is obfuscated from Serif support staff by the Affinity apps' use of the name "Display" to represent a document/image profile that is an Apple factory display profile.

I reported that bug years ago.

Workaround: if you do not want to use a bespoke profile for your iMac, then remove the Color LCD profile from the /Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Displays folder so Affinity apps will not use it by mistake for your screenshots.

Edit: make sure you are looking in the correct Library folder. It's the one at the root of the file system, not the one inside System or the one inside your home folder.

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