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How to setup default colour mode setting of the colour palette to CMYK mode?

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Dear Affinity Supporters. 

I would like to ask you to change the default colour mode setting.

Recently I have purchased Affinity softwares instead of Adobe softwares.

So I am not familar this softwares. So let me ask you the setting.

Is there any the way to change the default colour setting for the colour palette to CMYK mode?

My question is below.

If my Affinity software is launched, I setup the print size and change the colour setting to CMYK/8.

But the colour palette on the Affinity softwares do not follow the setting. It has followed HLS colour setting even I have changed the setting to CMYK/8.

And there is no way to change the default colour palette setting to CMYK mode.

The colour palette setting has Greys, Colours, Gradients and  PANTONE palettes. I just want to use CMYK mode. For me it no need the PANTONE palettes.

How to change the default palette setting to CMYK mode and how to have the CMYK palette as default colour palette? Let me know.

Thank you and Sincerely;



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Hi Hirasabre,

Welcome to the forums :)

My sincerest apologies for the delayed response, due to the release of version 1.8 we have been somewhat inundated with tickets and this means our response time is a little longer than normal.

You can set a default palette per colour space using the following option - 


This will create a new Document Palette using the selected Palette whenever you create a new document in this colour space.

There's a known issue in version 1.8.1 that causes this palette to not be created, however this has been fixed in 1.8.2 and we should release a beta with this fix shortly. I hope this helps!

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  • 1 month later...

hi, I have the Designer version 1.8.3 (osx sierra) and it does not work for me. When I save a palette the confirmation comes, but after a restart of the program only a program palette comes back, which I created years ago for another project.
Why is it so complicated? Why don't the colors appear in the document I created them in? (as in Illustrator/Indesign etc.) In my current UI project the wrong palette is always displayed, which is annoying.

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Hi 3joern :)

Could you please take a screenshot of all the Palettes available to your new document? I've just tested this in Designer with both an RGB & LAB document and in both cases the correct Document Palette was created when starting a new document, after restarting the app multiple times.

Can you possibly provide a screen recording showing your full process of saving the palette, restarting the app and creating a new document?

Many thanks in advance!

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hi, of course i can make a short video, hope that's in german ok?

But what would be really desirable is that the created color palette belongs to the document. If you have many projects with corporate colors, then selecting the right color palette every time you open the document is not comfortable. 


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Thanks for your screen recording, I think there's a bit of confusion over the feature here. This won't change the active 'in-view' palette, it ensures there is a Document Palette which contains all the same swatches that you set as 'default'.

In your new document, open the Palette drop down and you should find that a document palette has been created and this matches the 'default' you have set previously.

I hope this clears things up :)

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Okay, now I'm confused. Before you said that if you choose the default palette for e.g. RGB, it should appear as default for all RGB documents in the newly created document? right? that's not working.
The other thing was just the wish for more efficient handling of the color palettes.

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On 3/9/2020 at 11:10 AM, Dan C said:

This will create a new Document Palette using the selected Palette whenever you create a new document in this colour space.

The palette is created, but wont be selected as default in the list, you'll need to manually change the Swatches drop down to the document palette which is generated when creating the document.

Apologies for any confusion caused.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I've been reading the thread on this topic and I'm still confused.

Is it possible to make my colour palette show CMYK instead of HSL values?

[ I have already set my default to CMYK and nothing happens. I am using v 1.9.3 ]

Appreciate the help!


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Hi @Ange07,

Welcome to the Affinity Forums :)

I can confirm that the label shown when hovering over the Swatch is actually the Name of the swatch. Unfortunately the app doesn't 'read' the colour itself, instead the label shown is the name of the swatch when it was saved to the palette - this means you can't convert the colour values from HSL to any other system, such as CMYK, my apologies.

If you wish to use CMYK values for new swatches, this is certainly possible, simply select the CMYK colour in the Colour Studio, then use the 'Add Current Fill to palette' option and this swatch will be created, with a CMYK value.

I hope this clears things up! 

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