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Status: Beta

Purpose: Features, Improvements, Fixes

Requirements: Purchased Affinity Photo

Mac App Store: Not Submitted

Download ZIP: Download

Auto-update: Available



We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the second beta of Affinity Photo 1.8.2 for macOS.

If this is your first time using a customer beta of an Affinity app, it’s worth noting that the beta will install as a separate app - alongside your store version. They will not interfere with each other at all and you can continue to use the store version for critical work without worry.

This beta is an incremental update to the 1.8.1 version recently released to all customers (though it installs parallel to the release). We recommend that you use this beta in preference to the store version if you are affected by any of the issues listed below.

Affinity Photo Team  :ph34r:


Changes This Build


- Further live filter fixes (as reported).
- Boolean operation fixes.
- Halftone crash fix with specific document sizes.
- Added stepper controls to the refine panel.

Changes Since 1.8.1


- Significant quality improvements to live filter rendering.
- Fixed focus merge issues (some images would get ignored).
- Improvements to customisable shortcuts UI.
- Defringe improvements.
- Added ability to preview fonts on black or white background.
- New document panel - terminology and UI tweaks.
- New document panel - saves settings between uses.
- Reinstated double click functionality on zoom, view tools.
- Improved responsiveness when editing large blocks of text.
- Fixed blurred toolbar buttons on non-retina displays.
- Fixed inability to move information page samplers in develop etc.
- Fixed occasional live perspective transform crash.
- Fixed luminosity details stepper in develop persona.
- Fixed mask bugs when resizing documents.
- Fixed inability to enter white balance temperature correctly in develop persona.


To be notified about all future macOS beta updates, please follow this notification thread 
To be notified when this Photo update comes out of beta and is fully released to all Affinity Photo on macOS customers, please follow this thread

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