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Toolbars don't open by default

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When I start up Designer, none of my toolbars are showing and I have to manually open each one every time. I've checked in settings, but I can't seem to find any setting on what opens on default.

To be more specific, actions I need to take: check "Toolbar", check "Context Toolbar", check "Show Tools", uncheck "Studio > Hide Studio".

It hasn't been always like, but this has been consistently happening for I guessing a few weeks.

Any ideas? 



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Thank, I'm familiar with the Tab feature. Now for some reason, I wanted to screen capture opening Designer and now suddenly it opened all toolbars.
Playing around a bit, I tried to hide the interface with Tab, then closed Designer and re-opened it. Now, the interface is still hidden and the tab doesn't work.
It's still a mystery to me as I usually close the app with the interface visible, so not sure what the issue was before, but somehow playing around with the Tab did solve my issue?

I'm attaching a screen capture of closing and opening Designer to show what I mean. The tapping noise is my hitting the Tab button.

So for now, my issues is resolved, I just wanted to share my experience in the video.


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