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I have a problem with formatting text which occurs a few times in a large document.  I haven't been able to pin down what causes some linked text boxes to have the problem and others not but the attached afpub file consistently shows the problem.  The document has two pages with a text box on both pages and the second box linked to the first.  The final paragraph on the first page exceeds the space available and so spills onto the box on the second page.  This final paragraph is intended to be all body text (with a style set up for that) but as you can see the first two words (The designated) show a paragraph style of 'body+' and the font size is increased.  If I place the cursor in those two words and apply the 'body' paragraph style the whole paragraph is set to body style - except for the words left on the second page which now have a much smaller font.  If I then place the cursor in those words and apply body style they increase to the correct size - but the first two words in the paragraph again have their font size increased.  It doesn't seem to be related to the specific paragraph - if I insert more text on page one (so that the whole of this paragraph is 'pushed' onto page two) then it is formatted correctly in all body style but the paragraph which is split between the two pages shows the same symptoms of different formatting.

This is on Win 10 - Pub version   I've also tried on the latest (518) beta and get the same behaviour there.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug (and if so any ideas on a workaround)?



Test doc.afpub


Sorry to say, but I am glad this is happening not only to me. Most people here ask, if the text frames were scaled by the second lower right handle. I guess like me, you did not scale the text frame. Only fix I know of, is to copy the text without formatting into new text frames and make the formatting new.

I first noticed this behaviour, when I opened PDF with APu.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed


Thanks for the feedback.  This document did originate as a pdf file so maybe that's the underlying issue. 

I'll try setting it up again.


  • 4 months later...
  • Staff


Thank you for reporting a problem using 1.7.x . It appears that a member of the Affinity QA team didn't get round to fully investigating this specific report posted in the bugs forums. We are very sorry for this oversight. Yours is one of a number of reports that I am posting this apology to, using an automated script.

Now we have released 1.8.3 on all platforms containing many hundreds of bug fixes, and we hope your problem has already been fully addressed. If you still have this problem in the 1.8.3 release build, then the QA team would really appreciate you reporting again it in the relevant Bugs forum.

Each of those links above contains instructions how best to report a bug to us. If that is what you already did in this thread just copy paste your original report into a new thread. We appreciate all the information that you have including sample files and screen shots to help us replicate your problem.

This thread has now been locked as the QA team are not following the threads to which this automatic reply is made, which is why we would appreciate a new bug report if you are still have this problem in the current 1.8.3 release build.

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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