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Found 12 results

  1. Continuing my work with Affinity Photo and DAP Pro 7 I created this portrait version of a photograph that came with DrawPlus X8. The painting effect was enhanced by the use of Tone Mapping and the development persona to give it an authentic painted look. The small JPG was exported from Affinity Photo. I hope you can see the paintbrush textures.
  2. I one realises the image sent to Tone Map Persona, it is not possible to stop the process. Please make it interruptible, not only Tone Mapping, everything, thanks.
  3. Hi AP Team Don't know if it's truly a bug, to me this path of reporting made most sense. If I chose wrong, please apologise. Hi Affinity Photo team Hardware: MBA, 8 Core, 16 GB, 1 TB SSD Detected by coincidence: No problem, even super fast, are huge 360º panoramas using Live Projection, 27000 x 13500 = 364.5 megapixel Huge problems on same machine with Tone Map of a smaller 240 megapixel ARQ file, from a Sony 7RM4, 16 images pixel shift multi shot, first stitched to ARQ with Sonys Image Edge Desktop, then the ARQ loaded to Affinity Photo, developed by APs raw engine, copy by Cmd+J, then tried to apply Tone Map, what ended in Force Quit of AP after 30 minutes. Checking the Activity Monitor on the M1 during load into Tone Map Persona, there is a huge increase of system activity (the red dots) in the CPU history (press Cmd+3...) but almost none in GPU (...and Cmd+4 in Activity Monitor) history. The video begins with something completely different, concerning lens and chromatic aberration on Develop Persona. If you want the ARQ (2 GB) for analysis, please send a upload link. Have a nice weekend, Roland
  4. Affinity Photo's Tone Map is awesome good and I use it on each of my landscape images. - It has only one thing to be complained, and that's the noise introduction. If possible, it would be very welcome if that could be reduced in future versions. Thanks in advance!
  5. Hi, I just lost all tone map presets and after i try to create new category or import presets i get the following note. I´m using win7 64-bit and Affinity version
  6. Hello everyone ! I have some work to do and really want to process it with Affinity exclusively, almost 50% of the project requires me to understand and apply the Golden hour. if there are filters or tone map or even a simple settings please help me understand that and apply. Blessings !
  7. I was at Mottisfont Abbey in Hampshire, UK, a couple of days ago and took a few photos. This pic is from two photos taken with very different exposures, as I wanted to see what I could do a a tone-mapping job. I cranked up the tm and the local contrast all the way and increased the vibrance to exaggerate the colours. The dark patch in the middle of the sky is an artefact of the processing; I decided to leave it that way rather than even it out. These are the originals. I haven't edited them at all, just converted them to jpegs direct from the raws.
  8. Hello, I have a few photo from Budapest and other places, and I think, play with a Tone Mapping Persona and text features, plus added a gradient for this old style "post card" in Affinity Photo.
  9. Is there a vision to have a HDR presets or 'looks" storein the future? Something like what Macphun does with selling presets for example and sell them on the Affinity site? I realized that making more presets to add to Photo is probably not high on the priority list, so that leaves a hole in the presets market for Affinity. Just curious.
  10. I have been using the Tone Map Persona to see what it does with a variety of pictures. I have also watched all the great AP videos on HDR and Raw Development more than once. For the most part, I like the results for both color and black and white, especially if I use the local contrast conservatively. I understand the benefits of using tone mapping for HDR images based on bracketed exposures. What I still don't understand is what is the difference between tone mapping a single image (starting from a Raw file) vs using various adjustment layers in both the Develop and Photo Persona. In other words, - Can I theoretically achieve the same results if I tinker with various adjustments than I would if I tone map a single image after doing some basic prep work in Develop first? - Can Tone mapping a single image be considered a kind of short-cut to get particular results faster than going the other route? - What are the trade-offs of using Tone Mapping (besides more noise) vs using the "traditional" workflow of Develop + Photo? - For which types of single images does Tone mapping work best and for which one it does not do as well? - Should I make different adjustments when I edit a single image in Raw, if my next step is tone mapping vs going directly into Photo persona? Any clarification on these questions would be most welcome. Thank you!
  11. I have never been fond of Tone Mapping, until now, Most tone mapped pics I have seen before have always been overdone and looked really strange to me. Since I started to understand how to in using AffP Tone Mapping tools I find it very interesting and rewarding. This is one example...I hope you like it, Moos old farm next to where I live.
  12. Hi, I am a huge fan of the software! I have updated my software to the most recent 1.5.1 release and am experimenting with the Tone Map persona. The problem I am having is that I can't get out of the TM persona. I can't click on any of the other persona's to activate the "commit" function... any advice?
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