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Found 10 results

  1. In my recent tutorial, Creating tiles using Affine, especially of Leaves, I explained how to create tileable images using dead leaves (or any other similar object). I show here a selection of such tiled images, with four such tiles grouped to produce a seamless image. Before the tiled images, here is an example of a real patch of leaf litter taken just by holding the camera vertically of the woodland floor: This is an example of a composite image of leaves to recreate a leaf-litter-like tiled pattern: The following four images are each based on a single tree species, using about twenty leaves of different colours. Firstly English Maple Acer campestre. Next Cherry Prunus avium. Now a garden shrub Guelder Rose Viburnum opulus. And finally a strange Chinese relative of the conifers, the Ginkgo, Ginkgo biloba. I have used these to form the basis of a set of table mats. John
  2. I’ve used the bitmap fill feature for a long time in previous releases but when I downloaded the release it glitched on me. I think they’re something I’m missing. The left image is what I am seeing in AD before exporting to PDF. The right image is what I’m getting when saving to PDF which clearly shows only the one original bitmap fill is in the rectangle and tiling didn't transfer. I’ll also attach a screenshot of AD so you can see some settings. Affinity Designer bitmap tiling not saving to PDF.pdf
  3. Greetings, With the latest version released, I would have expected to see the tiling of windows made possible. I often work on multiple images at one time, and I often use Affinity to compare documents side by side (in a technical imaging capacity, not creative). This is so elementary. And, when I float everything, trying to tile docs myself, if you bring a window near an edge, it automatically snaps to full screen. I don't don't know if you can turn this off, but I couldn't find it. In the end I waste so much time just trying to get a pair of windows side by side, and at the same size. And that's for two windows, I don't even try for four. Annoying. PLEASE fix this, it is a badly needed feature. Also, in this latest version, with two windows side by side, you can't tell which window is active. Normally you click on a window and the frame color "saturates", indicating it is the active window. In Affinity, nothing. Am I missing something? Also, now in adjustments, I used to click on the bar to popup an adjustment, now I have to click on the "default" thumbnail below the bar. What is the rational of this change? Also, there is no way to examine a previous adjustment. There is nothing that allows you to pop up the old curves to see what you have invoked previously, or maybe I am missing something? I am new to Affinity, so maybe I am missing some of the basics, but certainly the windows tiling is something that needs to be addressed. Thanks, Bob
  4. I was downloading my image to an online service that would create multiple images from a single photo. I use these and transfer each image to a ceramic tile. Often this means over 500 separate tiles (for example an image divided into a grid of 25 columns and 25 rows of separate ceramic tiles. I understand how to create slices in the export personna. What I would like to know is if there is a way to, for example create a single slice of, say, 100 pixels x 100 pixels and then copy that so that I do not have to create each tile individually and move it into place. Right now I have to create the 100x 100 slice, put it in the upper left corner. Then place the cursor over a corner of that slice and create an entirely new slice of the same size. That would mean individually making hundreds of slices manually and moving them. When I send this to an online site all I have to do is send them the photo and tell them how many columns and rosw and they send me all the individual jpg images that I needf, one for each ceramic tile that I will transfer the images to. I have seen some android programs that will do this also, but I was wondering if there is a way to do this, automatically" in affinity photo or even one of the other affinity programs. The image attached shows the first several slices that I made individually.
  5. I have attached a mask layer to a Gaussian blur live filter layer. After inverting the layer I begin painting over objects to be blurred. Some parts of those objects display "tiled", e. g. in you can see a vertical line under the period of the previous sentence. Look more closely and you'll see the tiles. I'm running Affinity Photo 1.7.1 on a 2018 MacBook Pro 15" and macOS 10.13.6. Turning Metal computing off and restarting didn't alleviate the problem.
  6. Hey everyone! I am working a lot on patterns (literally hundreds) that I want to repeat on both x and y later on. For doing so, it would be very useful to be able to offset and repeat (wrap) curves and groups using Affine and being able to access Affine in Designer. Right now, it only seems accessible in Photo and trying to Affine curves or groups will rasterize them. Best wishes, Shu
  7. This would be quite useful, especially for tiling textures for example.
  8. I'm using Krita right now but as it's mainly a painting software I'm considering changing for Affinity products as they seem excellent. There is a feature in Krita that I miss and though you are probably more focused on Photoshop functionality, that is a hell of a nice one to have: It's the tiling mode. Basically in krita you hit 'W' key and it tiles your canvas infinitelly, you can paint on any of the tiles and transition from one tile to the other. It's an incredibly simple way of creating tileable textures or any other tiling image. If the feature exists already in Photo, then please forgive my inexperience and be so kind to point me in the right track. Thanks!
  9. Hello, I am working on a project right now and I have created a document in size of 22*28 inches. However, in order to print it, I will need to print it on 8.5*11 inch paper. I have made guides that divide the document across exactly where I need to print each individual sheet, and I am pasting it onto a poster so I do not need to worry about overlap. Can someone please help me figure out how to create the individual sections? I have a picture of my document here: https://goo.gl/photos/z2eijf8dB8w1WMbW8 Thank you for all your help!
  10. Gradient Tool -> Type: Bitmap; Extend: Wrap - How to set the bitmap scale to 1:1? I want to tile a bitmap inside a shape, but i don't want it scaled up or down. I want to use the exact pixel dimensions of the original to fill the entire shape. How do i do this? Seems there's no option to "reset" the scale to the original bitmap dimensions. Happy to see Lanczos resampling available in the Quality drop down! :)
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