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  1. Hi I've noticed the progress bar doesn't really work, the bar is stagnant until the last 5 seconds and then its just done For context on this issue, I'm exporting uncut A2 panels, each page takes 3.3mins, if it gave me a time estimated or showed a time elapsed (for me to remember for next time) or showed an accurate progress bar I would not have to sit around until its done ( This message sounds more frustrating then actually is, its not that bad but, its just one of those things that will make a great product even better). Keep up the great work Kind regards Mike
  2. while I'm editing photos using develop persona, I sometimes don't know if the edit change I've done has been applied fully or is still being applied For example, I change the noise reduction slider while I've zoomed into the picture, I wait and see no change so I try again and then the change becomes more than it should be since both changes have now been applied If there was a progress bar or something to indicate that the chaange has been effected fully, then a least I can move on to the next edit knowing that up to that point it is satisfactory We also could use a progress bar when the photo is being developed - sometimes I'm just waiting for minutes for the develope photo dialog box to disappear so that I can continue with exporting the image Can these be included in the next update?
  3. Hi developers, I'm actually wondering why AP shows a progress bar if no progress is shown? Even with time consuming operation (e.g. saving with protocol) the window for progress pops up but I can't see any moving bar inside the rectangle that is supposed to display the progress. It is either not shown or not visible ... Cheers, Timo
  4. Hi, When executing a Photoshop plugin (.8bf) effect nothing shows if anything is happening or not. Usually image editors supporting Photoshop compatible plugins feature a progress bar of the plugin rendering the image. Even though that bar isn't always showing actual 'count down' (sometimes the progress bar starts over a couple of times, depending on the plugin) but at least it indicates the plugin effect is still being processed. Particularly Filter Forge effects consume considerable rendering time: I can't tell whether Affinity is either still busy or has ignored the rendering task. The circular 'busy' cursor isn't always showing; sometimes it just shows the ordinary arrow cursor. Don't like to depend on the circular 'busy' cursor anyway since it also shows when software has crashed. In short: it would be very helpful if Affinity Photo would feature a plugin progress bar, just like any other image editor does. Roberto
  5. I find the progress bar difficult to see, as there's very little contrast between the 'done' part and the 'still to go' part -- as in the snip below. A stronger colour would do the trick.
  6. I just began checking out the Windows beta and it is love at first sight. I'm ridiculously excited that this amazing piece of software is available for Windows as well. The first thing I tried was opening various big files, to see how the program handles them. The loading times are great, but, while the file is loading, there is no visual feedback on the process. Also, during that time, the menus are still operational; the program doesn't hang, which, per se, is an amazing thing. The problem is that, with the lack of any kind of progress bar on the file opening process, this may actually give the impression to the user that the command to open the file didn't even go through. I realize that this is something that mainly affects people with older computers, dealing with huge files, but I'm sure I am not alone. There are a few topics asking the same or something similar in the "features request" subforum, but I wanted to let the developers know that this is definitely something important on Windows as well. Keep up the amazing work!
  7. A progress bar when opening files would be nice. Perhaps my system is just slow but when opening either RAW files or a complex drawing, I wind up staring at a blank screen long enough to wonder if anything is happening. Not a biggie but it would be nice to have some indication that something was actually occurring.
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