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Found 9 results

  1. The program closes without warning when, in layers panel: I try to nest one layer into another and/or I click to expand the layer to show its contents.
  2. Is there currently a way to select a bunch of layers/objects and collect them all into a new layer with all of those selected layers/objects nested inside or underneath the new layer? I very often find that I want to organize projects as they get unwieldily and if I could select a bunch of layers, right click or hit a button/menu that could move all of those selections into a new folder for easy naming that would be so handy. Does this ability exist now and I haven't found it? Cheers.
  3. Just got Publisher over the weekend to be the DTP client for a one-man game publisher. I specialize in role-playing games, and am currently working on a book for Dungeons & Dragons' current edition. There are several web apps that do the formatting work for characters, monsters, items and the like. They export to PDF, and ideally, I would like to not have to mess with their formatting and keep the image of the PDF intact. Problem being that I don't think Publisher supports that functionality. I wonder if there is a workaround like converting the file to .TIF or a similar graphics format, which could then be read as an illustration in Publisher. But where and how does one do that?
  4. In order to remove some noise in the sky of an image I have nested a noise reduction live filter in its pixel layer. In this screen shot, the position of the Noise Reduction live filter is clear underneath the Dehazed Background pixel layer, but it has been unchecked to show the luminance noise in the sky. After checking it and setting Luminance to 25%, the sky is still splotchy, the noise having been reduced but not completely eliminated: When, without modifying any settings in the Noise Reduction live filter I move it to the position shown in the following screen shot, the luminance noise disappears: What is the significance of the "half-child" position in that screen shot? Why is the live filter in this position so much more effective than as a sibling of the other child layers? Thanks
  5. AD seems to do okay with double-clicking groups to go inside the group (similar to isolation mode in AI), and I usually can get to the object thats deeper than one level, but when I get to that level and I want to select the items in that level I cannot do it with the move tool (which one can mistake for a selection tool I guess) by marquee selecting the objects in that level. I suppose this is due to what I just mentioned, there truly is not a select tool, or a direct select tool.
  6. Does anybody know of a way to nest layers rather than the very silly and fiddly (shoot 'em up game) drag over the thumbnail and try and get the blue vertical bar to light up? If you want to use a layer as a mask, instead of "shooting" the vertical blue bar, you can "Mask to below" which does the same thing, However, I want the layer to be a Child, not a Nest, which is a very different thing. Ask any bird! Quite why Serif have not included a Nest to below option I can't imagine. After all, it's a vital part of the layer process. But I might be missing something obvious.
  7. Hi everyone, I am looking for the meaning of a few visual cues in the In the layers studio. What is the difference between nesting and clipping? Also the visual icons of a line through the center of your children layer versus a blue square on top of the selected layer. Please look at attached image for visual understanding. Screenshots are taking from the iPad version of affinity photo. But my question is for both the desktop and the iPad version. Thanks. Jg
  8. Haven't posted here for a long while, but enjoyed doing some nesting this morning with a picture I took a while back of Paris Mountain in Anglesey. I used Designer for the page including fading out the background photo. Quick and easy.
  9. If a Live Filter should become nested, it can not be move. Will not move up or down. The Live Filter must be deleted and then it can be originated at top of stack. The filter will move up and down but if it should become nested, it is stuck there.
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