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  1. Hi there, first of all, great work indeed with Affinity Photo! I downloaded the trial version yesterday and almost instantly fell in love with it. I was wondering if from the Fujifilm raw files there's any features available to apply the well known/beloved Fujifilm film simulations. That would really make the difference for me and for us fuji lovers. I can do this in Adobe Lightroom "camera profile" panel, as shown in the image I'm attaching. Is there any way to to this with Affinity as well? And if not, is it this feature planned for any future update? Thanks for your help and keep on the great work! Stefano.
  2. Help please! When I open raw files in AP 1.8.3 on my MacBook (2008) they appear way darker and way less sharp than the Jpgs. In order to fix sharpness I have to apply a radius of over 40, which creates noise...The same raws though appear even sharper than the Jpgs when opened in PS. My camera is Fujifilm XT20. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do? Thank you!
  3. Just bought and downloaded Affinity on my new iPad Air 4GEN. Loaded in my Fuji XT-4 RAF files in iCloud. Tried to open in Affinity - says file not supported? Really?
  4. Does anyone know why I have a black line down the right side of my Raw Photo's taken on my Fuji XT3? There's an uneven black line on all the RAW photos but not on the jpegs. The camera is new but the lens is second hand. A 23mm F2, could it be that? It doesn't appear to be on the shoots I used the 35mm for. Is there a fault processing the image or have I got a setting wrong? Or is it the lens, and why would it be on the Raw but not the Jpeg? Any help would be much appreciated.
  5. Hi, Was not able to find the same issue, only somewhat related with raw photos being opened with purple tint. Basically the issue is written in the title. To elaborate - when Fuji S5pro raw file (RAF) is converted to DNG using Adobe DNG converter and then opened in Affinity Photo, one can see that colors are way off. Below one can see a screenshot of freely available RAF file from here Fuji raw files and a converted to DNG one: One can also see that DNG has one pixel less horizontally. Tried opening DNG in open source RawTherapee and it opens the same as RAF. Meaning that there is definitely some issue with Affinity Photo here. It is the same in Affinity Photo 1.8 beta. Hoping that will be fixed. Thanks in advance!
  6. Hello, my system: iMac, Intel Core i7, 3,1 GH, RAM: 16 GB camera: brand new Fuji X-T30 affinity photo 1.6.7 all assistant options inactive on start raw engine: serif labs It takes about 20 seconds to open a file. My Canon raw files are ready in 2 seconds... Any ideas or updates in the pipeline? Thx!
  7. I'm making the transition from Lightroom to Affinity and I'm seeing really bad lag when trying to import RAW images taken with my Fujifilm X-H1. Like the whole computer stops responding, the CPU maxes out, and at one point I had to force reboot because I couldn't even kill the photo editor process. This is on a 2016 MBP with 8gb of RAM that runs Adobe products fine. I've tried both Affinity's RAW engine as well as the Apple one (X-H1 isn't listed under Affinity's for support, but it is supported by the Apple engine). Yes, I understand trying to import 2 dozen 20mp RAW images was probably a bad idea. But even importing a single image is taking over 1 minute on a class 10 SDcard connected over TB3. That's bananas. I don't see a lot of other people complaining about this so I'm just curious if it is normal? I've had issues with Fuji's RAW format causing problems in the past. I tried converting the RAF format to DNG first and that was marginally faster, but still really slow. I know this is a $50 program. I'm trying to temper my expectations. This is slooooow, though. EDIT: further investigation shows speeds are about twice as fast when pulling RAF files from the internal SSD rather than a SDcard, so Class 10 be damned, that's part of the bottleneck. It took 40 seconds to import/develop one image with the CPU maxed out the whole time. Still, that's probably within usable specs.
  8. Hopefully someone can help - not sure if it's me or Affinity photo, but every time I load an image into the software I get a black arch at the top of it. I've loaded the same image (and others) into different software and all is good. In fact the images look much sharper in different software too. Does anyone know what is going wrong? I've had Affinity Photo since 2017, but don't often use it. I've attached a screen shot of sample image. I use a MacBook Air running Mojave, bought Affinity in November 2017 and can't see any updates in the App Store. My camera is a Fujifilm XT3 with the 18-55 kit lens.
  9. Odd thing happens when I open a Fuji x-trans raw file. One corner quadrant shows a piece of the image at 100%. Using Mac OS 10.13.6 Any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong? Thanks!
  10. Hi, I'm considering getting AP for iPad but prefer to use Fujifilm X-T20 compressed raw files, as these are half the size of normal Fuji raw. However, for some reason, compressed is not supported by Apple's own raw converter. Any chance that Serif's own raw engine will be made available on the iPad version of AP ? Or do I need to go uncompressed, full-size raw to get it to work on an iPad Pro? Thanks, Simon
  11. Hello, Last year, I've changed my camera and bought a Fuji X-T20. During this time, I spent a lot of time trying to remove a magenta color cast in the blue of my skies. I thought it was me or the way I used the camera. But using others raw converters (On1 Photo RAW, Luminar, Capture One Express Fuji) , I found that it comes from Affinity. Finally, it can easily be corrected when turning off the tone curve in the develop Wizard, and shiffting a bit the red curve in the develop personna. Do you know if we can define a specific tone curve that can be set as default in the develop the wizard ? Also, do you know if Serif planned to improve their Fuji X-Trans conversion algorithm ? Best Regards
  12. Can someone please assist. Affinity photo does not recognise my XT-2 when tethered by USB. I am using MacOS High Sierra 10.13.1 Thanks Chris
  13. Any idea if the Fujifilm GFX 50S medium format digital camera will be supported soon? There is a bug that occurs both in the official release of Affinity Photo 1.5.1, as well as in the latest beta (1.5.2 beta 5): When opening Fuji GFX 50S raw files (.RAF), the file does in fact open. However, the image data appears as if it's pushed to the left by approx 468 pixels. This gives the appearance of a solid black vertical bar running down the entire right-hand side of the image. (see attached screenshot) You can download raw files for this camera from the Imaging Resource: Lab test samples Gallery samples The new camera utilizes an ordinary Bayer color filter array rather than the unique X-Trans pattern. So hopefully this will simplify processing of the raw data. Thanks very much!
  14. I have used Affinity Photo for two years since leaving Photoshop and am very satisfied. Recently a professional photographer suggested that one of my images below could be improved by using a deconvolution sharpener on it. This image was taken at Chester Zoo on my X-T2 with the 100-400 lens at 600mm, full frame equivalent. I sharpened the image by modest use of the High pass Filter and am pleased with the result. However, I realise I have almost no knowledge of deconvolution sharpening which I thought naively was more about removing the blurring associated with AA filters which of course the X-T2 sensor does not have. Can any one help? 1What does Deconvolution sharpening actually do? 2 Does Affinity Photo enable such sharpening? If so how? 3 If not what software do people use? Does anyone using Fuji cameras use it? Any guide on these issues would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  15. Hi Just started using Fuji Xt20 and find the RAF files can't be opened in AP. Tried a few suggestions from the forums like using the Apple engine etc but each time AP just hangs and then crashes. I know the Xt20 isn't listed so was wondering if there is any timeline for the type of camera to be added?
  16. Hi, as a fellow Fuji (and Affinity) user, I too am hoping for a big speed improvement when opening Fuji RAF files. I have just downloaded the latest 1.6 Beta (1.6.6 Beta 7) and performed a quick check against my existing AP 1.5.2. Unfortunately any speed improvement is negligible. An uncompressed RAF took 19 seconds to open in 1.6 as against 20 seconds in 1.5. A compressed RAF took 21 seconds to open in 1.6 compared to 22 seconds in 1.5. As a further comparison a Nikon NEF file took 13 seconds to open in 1.6 but only 8 seconds in 1.5, so that was slower to open in the new version. Was really hoping for better... iMac, MacOS 10.13, 3.1 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB RAM Fujifilm X-T2
  17. Hello, I've created some HaldCLUT profiles based on Fuji's film simulations that work great with Affinity Photo's LUT adjustments. Simply create a LUT adjustment, select "Infer LUT" and in the first dialogue pick "Hald CLUT Identity 12.png" and in the second your chosen simulation. You can then save the adjustment as a profile for quick use in the future. You can read more about them here: http://blog.sowerby.me/fuji-film-simulation-profiles/ Enjoy! Fuji XTrans II HaldCLUT.zip
  18. Dear Affinity team, I 've been an affinity owner of the very early hours. I have now switched to a Fuji X-T2 using lossless compressed raw files. I am running a mac with the latest OS Sierra and the rates affinity version. Whenever I try to open a compressed raw file AP crashes. What can I do? Does AP still use apples raw engine or have you developed your own? how can I switch if that is the problem? I have read in the forum that generally you do support X-T2 raw files. I appreciate the timely help. kind regards, dr.cox
  19. hi affinity, Noticed this morning that my fuji raf files from my xt2 are not loading with fuji in camera lens correction - is this something that could be addressed or has it been reviewed already? I understand fuji apply lens corrections in camera... Got the shock of my life looking at my out of camera .raf files compared to out of camera .jpegs!!!
  20. One user of Fujifilm's Facebook group for the upcoming medium format Fujifilm GFX 50s posted that with Affinity Photo you can develop the RAW files for this camera. I have tried this and it really works. Great!
  21. Wie es aussieht geht das RAW Format der fuji XT-2 und Affinity nicht zusammen. Weder als RAW komprimiert wie unkomprimiert. DAs ist Schade, denn so muss ich mich von Affintiy Photo wieder verabschieden. So schlecht war die Software nicht.
  22. HI All, Curious if anyone has tried using the new 1.5 version with Fuji's X-Trans Sensor... I know sharpness is an issue with Lightroom. Is AP same, worse, or better with fuji raw files versus the big boys like Lightroom or Iridient Developer? Pros Cons? Thanks for the help.
  23. As far as I can tell, Affinity 1.4.2 can not yet deal with Fuji .RAF files. Is there a plan to do so? I have been told it is already possible in beta versions of Affinity 1.5, but I'm reluctant to use beta software, especially for photos. There is a horde of new Fuji X-T2 users coming who will appreciate it.
  24. Dear Affinity People, I'm not proficient in using your software- yet. But I can't get Affinity Photo Beta to get the tonal gradations easily achieved in PhotoNinja. I tried replicating in Affinity what I can easily achieve in 1 minute in PN. See the attached files. I'm sure there is functionality in AP that can soften the highlights, and reveal detail better than I've done- but after almost 5 minutes of trying, I gave up. In the attached files I couldn't adjust the highlights to get even close to those in the PN example- and the purple fringing along the back of the man's shirt has got to go. I'm sure you'll get there eventually, but I hope sooner rather than later. Fuji has very difficult RAW files to get right. I love AP, and hope that soon I can make it my program of choice for my X-T1 and A-E1. Thanks! Dex
  25. Hi, Just downloaded the Beta version and noticed that the newer Fuji cameras, X-T1 and X-E2, are not supported yet. Adobe supports the X-Trans sensor, sort of, but with many issues. I think they have settled into it's good enough, but it is not! Do you have plans to fully support the X-Trans sensor? Phase One's Capture Pro 8 does a decent job, but even that could be better. They have stated in the past that they really don't care to do anything regarding Fujifilm cameras so any further development on there part is nonexistent. The Fuji owners of the world are really looking to a good solution. Your thoughts?? Thanks, Rick Lewis
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