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Found 16 results

  1. Hi, Newbie here. Wish to purchase software, but before I make the jump, can you help me out with what the scripting options are. I think I read in the forum, scripting was talked about 4 years ago. I am wandering what progress has been made on this front. It comes across, as there still might not be any scripting integration. If there are plans to introduce then a timeline and what language etc, would help, to help me decide my purchase. Many thanks
  2. Hi, what are the chances to receive the option to export Vector shapes into Shapes for Apple Motion? This is a option I would love to see, which would push me away further from Adobe Illustrator. We create most of our Logos in Illustrator and run a script to export the vector shapes for Apple Motion. This would be a great feature for motion graphic artist that use Apple Motion! Thanks
  3. Here's another Python3 script whatFileType.py which can be helpful in situations, where some files don't have file extensions, or where you maybe can't trust a files initial shown file extension (...like an binary image file download without extension etc.). So this little whatFileType.py Python 3 script does basically here what the Unix file cmd, or some services like what file is do, it tells you what sort of file it is. BTW this script can also tell if some binary file is an Affinity file. The actual supported and recognized file signatures are: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, PSD, PDF, WEBP, AFFINITY, EPS, RTF, HDR, EXR ... which are mostly those file formats Affinity apps export or save to. The whatFileType.py script can be called either by passing over some file as an argument directly ... ... or in an interacting mode just like this ... In cases where some file type is unrecognized (thus not supported yet) the script tells you ... Here's the whatFileType.py Python3 script for download: whatFileType.py Have fun!
  4. The Bulk treatment of CR2 make the software close without any modification. even just a format change (CR2 to TIFF or JPG). this is not working either when bulk modifying with a built in or a custom macro script (color, exposition, etc...). Version 1.10.5 (build 1342)
  5. Hallo Affinity-Helfer, folgendes Problem. Ich bin Tätowierer und habe ein Modell deren Schrift auf dem Oberschenkel nicht ganz fertig ist. Nun obliegt mir die Ehre das Ganze fortzusetzen. Ich schaue schon die ganze Zeit das ich den Zeilenabstand anpasse, die Breite anpasse und die Höhe der Buchstaben. Wenn 2 passen, passt das 3. nicht mehr. Wie kann ich das Problem lösen!? Bitte Hilfe!
  6. Hello. Purchased all 3 of your products from you during the Black Friday sale. The purpose of the purchase was to give up Photoshop completely. Please help me understand how advanced, modern and up to date your program is for many of your users! How can I install scripts and actions from photoshop cc? I have a huge need to run on your program exactly Photoshop scripts and actions (.ath .jsx .pat .tpl .abr). There is no information on this topic anywhere (or I didn't look hard enough). Please help me to run Photoshop scripts and actions on your program (windows 10)!
  7. This is the second time I am writing about terrible support for Khmer fonts in the Affinity suite. The first time I wrote, I provided sample fonts and images to show how the fonts are supposed to be rendered. AD and AP still do not have it corrected. I have up to this point been a fanboy for Affinity products, telling lots of people about Affinity. Yet the over the course of many and major updates, this problem, which is a show-stopper for my using Affinity, has not been corrected. And I know others in this forum have requested this problem be fixed as well. As a Khmer speaker, I am still willing to provide any support or files needed to facilitate fixing these bugs. Here is my previous topic that I posted in the forum. It was nicely marked (pre-1.7), and yet 1.7 has not fixed the issue. Thanks. Adam EDIT: I am working in MacOS Mojave.
  8. Congratulations on the launch of Publisher. It looks great, and I am excited to get to learn it. I presently use InDesign, and one feature I found very helpful was a plugin script called index-direct.jsx. By using this script, you could have a full list of the index topics in a separate document, and the script would go through the list and form an index for your main document. A thousand entries were completed in a matter of seconds. I am hoping that Affinity or a script writer will be able to provide a similar piece of software. Cheers.
  9. Good Morning All! I am currently attempting to find a replacement for Adobe Fireworks as the business I'm employed by would like to move away from the costs involved with Adobe. We have narrowed it down to Affinity Photo as a necessity to have for the batch function but also a luxury to have the Photoshop capabilities to use on the rare occasion. We had some custom scripts written which we imported into Fireworks. I cannot get the same end result with solely the batch process function within Affinity. Below is the script contents that were written for us for Fireworks. Is it possible to automate this inside Affinity? Essentially we want the option point the batch tool to the files to resize multiple photo file formats into 1000 x 1000 72dpi. For example, If the image is 1000 x 500 before batching, we want the batch program to fill out to 1000 x 1000 with the colour white. We no longer require "makeResize" and only "makeLarge" within the script. var theDoc = fw.getDocumentDOM().filePathForRevert; var origFile = Files.getDirectory(theDoc) + '/' + Files.getFilename(theDoc) var newFile = 'file:///C|/batched/'+Files.getFilename(theDoc, true) makeLarge() makeResize(227, 227, '_m') makeResize(75, 75, '_s') makeResize(40, 40, '_t') Files.deleteFileIfExisting(origFile) function makeLarge() { var oldHeight = fw.getDocumentDOM().height; var oldWidth = fw.getDocumentDOM().width; if (oldHeight > oldWidth) { newWidth = 1000 var temp = oldHeight/newWidth newHeight = oldHeight/temp newWidth = oldWidth/temp } else { newHeight = 1000 var temp = oldWidth/newHeight newWidth = oldWidth/temp newHeight = oldHeight/temp } fw.getDocumentDOM().setDocumentImageSize({left:0, top:0, right:newWidth, bottom:newHeight}, {pixelsPerUnit:72, units:"inch"}, true); fw.getDocumentDOM().setDocumentCanvasSize({left:0, top:0, right:1000, bottom:1000}, true); fw.getDocumentDOM().setDocumentCanvasColor("#ffffff", true); fw.getDocumentDOM().selectAll(); fw.getDocumentDOM().align('center vertical', 'true') fw.getDocumentDOM().align('center horizontal', 'true') var theDoc = fw.getDocumentDOM().filePathForRevert; var theFolder = Files.getDirectory(theDoc) var theFilename = Files.getFilename(theDoc, true) var fullPath = theFolder + '/' + theFilename var theExtension = Files.getExtension(theDoc) fw.exportDocumentAs(null, newFile+'_l', ({applyScale:false, colorMode:"24 bit",exportFormat:"JPEG",jpegQuality:80,jpegSmoothness:0,jpegSubsampling:0,name:"JPEG - Better Quality",numEntiresRequested:0,percentScale:"100",useScale:true,xSize:0,ySize:0})) } function makeResize(height, width, ext) { fw.getDocumentDOM().setDocumentImageSize({left:0, top:0, right:height, bottom:width}, {pixelsPerUnit:72, units:"inch"}, true); fw.getDocumentDOM().setDocumentCanvasSize({left:0, top:0, right:height, bottom:width}, true); fw.getDocumentDOM().setDocumentCanvasColor("#ffffff", true); fw.getDocumentDOM().selectAll(); fw.getDocumentDOM().align('center vertical', 'true') fw.getDocumentDOM().align('center horizontal', 'true') var theDoc = fw.getDocumentDOM().filePathForRevert; var theFolder = Files.getDirectory(theDoc) var theFilename = Files.getFilename(theDoc, true) var fullPath = theFolder + '/' + theFilename var theExtension = Files.getExtension(theDoc) fw.exportDocumentAs(null, newFile+ext, ({applyScale:false, colorMode:"24 bit",exportFormat:"JPEG",jpegQuality:80,jpegSmoothness:0,jpegSubsampling:0,name:"JPEG - Better Quality",numEntiresRequested:0,percentScale:"100",useScale:true,xSize:0,ySize:0})) } Convert for Web.jsf
  10. I have a script with several letters that I need to combine and then stroke, I must combine them or else the stroke is overlapping other letters and does not achieve the desired effect. The problem I am having when Combining or Adding from the OPERATIONS tools the center of the Loops in the letters aren't being knocked out, except for the "o" in the word "Lord". I am stuck and I can not figure out what I am doing wrong. Please Help :-) Thank You! Please take a look at the screenshots below...
  11. Hello, Sry, i agree i'm a bit LAZY and not go thru thoroughly through the ocean of the forum, but still searching in a zippy i didn't found my answers, hence writing this ticket. 1. if Team-A wanna fix some error in their Adobe creation by forwarding the project to Team-B with all legal acceptance (via their Affinity product), do team-B need to start over from "Zero" as no support for Adobe's working file extensions? 2. Any Error Fixing/Analysing tools to compete with Adobe's PREFLIGHT, COMPARE(Check out 4th compare tool of Power Styles from Blatner for eg.), Etc. 3. Any Support for third party XML(obviously with DTD), Python, XSLT, Java Scripts. i know i shd. not ask for the product still not in market(ie.. Publisher), but 1st the feature is helpful in all 3-in-1 Package UNITs, & 2nd.ly it really matters. Sry. for the casual english. Thank You, Anant Singh(anant.anant@gmail.com) End Note : Watching Tutorials, but Subtitles as well as an e-book as ref. Requested.
  12. Hello, Thanks to the team for this great tool that is Affinity designer ! This feature ( request ? ) could somehow be understood as the equivalent of brushes in Affnity Photo... The triangle tool and others ( Trapezoïd / Diamond etc...) are neat and really practical ! is there a possibility ( or any plans in the future ) to have an acces to build / add / customize other tools by myself and to add them to the UI? o- suppose i want to create a "logic gate diagram", i would have to use AND, OR, XOR ( and others ) gate symbols. - i could create a tool for each symbol - add handles to customize it ( radius, height etc.. ) as seen as the little red dot. - the description of each tool is a file that would be imported in Affinity designer. Many thanks for your consideration, for taking the time to read my request, and for this great App !
  13. For this to work well for me, I need it to be able to run a script that quickly addresses some common multi step processes I have. Otherwise it is too time consuming and fidgety
  14. On my system the Affinity Designer logo at the top of search result is larger than current version. Also I get a script error when I click the 'copy link to clipboard' icon button (see attached screen capture below) Not sure if it's intentional but the formatting is also different between current and beta (also screenshot below)
  15. I use Photoshop for illustration and sometimes Spine for animating my illustrations. I like to move over to Affinity. Spine is supporting different software with a script for exporting transparent PNGs from each layer. The script exports Photoshop layers as individual, cropped PNGs. It writes a JSON file that can be imported into Spine where the images will be displayed in the same positions and draw order using the name of the layers. If there was a script for Affinity I could finally move over from PS. I really like Affinity a lot better... ​So - is it possible making scripts for Affinity? ​(As I understand there is no such thing as exporting single layers from Affinity?)
  16. For Gimp, there's a cool script available that is called Shellout: http://registry.gimp.org/node/24977 This python script will call an external program, providing the active layer or a new from visible layer to this external program via a temp file. Once the external program is completed, it should save/overwrite the original temp file which gets pulled back into gimp. This is extremely useful to use standalone versions of plugins that don't work correctly via the Photoshop Plugin Import in Affinity Photo, for example, some plugins of the Nik Collection. It would be really useful to have such a "Send to standalone and Back after editing"-function, especially if you have some programs that aren't available as plugins but want to keep your workflow efficient.
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