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  1. Everytime i create more than one artboard the guide lines starting point begins from the first artboard, and as i edit the location i have to compensate the pixel distance even if i type the numbers.. and sometimes it gets back to zero, i know i must be doing somenthing worng.. Or it supposed to work this way? FullSizeRender.MOV
  2. Hey everyone, with the all-knowing alternatives to Affinity Suite (and also numerous other unrelated apps/applications), right-clicking on the name of the currently open file in the file window/titlebar allows you to see the location (unless it's a new, unsaved document). In combination with the option »open recent« (which also only shows the file name but not the file path) or the touch bar, which as well displays the last X documents, this would be incredibly helpful. Because … you know … we creatives sometimes forget where the current file or the latest version was saved to. 😅 My next workaround would actually be »Save As…«, which – in other apps – usually can be used to make out the location of the currently opened file. But here too, Affinity Suite seems to have its own way of working, which is not really comprehensible to me, as it shows the location of the previous/last »Save as…« operation, which is rarely the location of the currently opened file. I would be happy if this small feature gets implemented in a future release. 😉 Greetings Dennis
  3. There has been a persistent bug in the Forum software which results in the member's location being elided with the word 'Location' in a message ID. Someone posted a solution to this a long time ago which I cannot now find. A problem is that if you prepend the location with a space it gets lost. I have solved this by simply prepending the two characters ': ' (colon-space) to my location. I entered ': Essex' rather than just 'Essex'. You can see the result in my message information to the left. John
  4. Hello, I have a suggestion for the forums. How about adding a ": "(colon and a space) after Location info or simply removing the text "Location" from the post/comment author pane. Its really annoying(I hope many would have felt the same). Current issue: My suggested change would be: Thanks!
  5. Will it possible to change default Colour Profiles, depending on different language of interface selected? At the moment default settings are set U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) which is OK in US, but everywhere else other standards are used. For European languages (including English UK) Coated FOGRA39 should be set as default for printing, it's also ISO standard. I think, it would be nice when selecting French, German or English UK interface language, default Colour profile for new documents will automatically change to the correct one. Adobe software has a similar European set of settings for print and web. It's a minor thing, but I hope developers will look into it.
  6. Hi, Any idea wether there wil be a possibility to 'geotag' pics in Affinity Photo in the near future? Thx for the follow up on this thread. Keep up the good work! NemesisSensei
  7. I have just acquired an IPad Pro and have hoped to use this as my primary editing device. As most of what I do is along the lines of "Street" there is little that Affinity Photo cannot achieve on the IPad app. That said, I shoot in RAW and would like to store my photos on either my WD NAS system or preferably on my WD My Passport Pro. A typical workflow would be to Download to the MPP using the auto download slot then import the raw file to affinit. On export I would like to export directly to my MPP so that all of my work is available from there. Clearly I would retain the originals on the SDD Card and I have a backup system to my NAS system which I usually access when I am at home As far as I can tell Affinity will not allow me to add the MyCloud app to locations which is central to this issue... Am I missing something here?
  8. I did not save a recent affinity designer file. Where would I find the recovered version of the file? I had saved a png of the file, but I no longer have the original file, except for the recovered versions.
  9. I like to geo-locate my photos, but my camera does not have GPS. I can set Location in the Develop Personna, but for each photo I have to zoom in and pan around to locate the place where the photo was taken. Having just come back from Cyprus with several hundred photos, geo-locating them is a very tedious process. This would be much improved if some of the following could be implemented: Better searching for locations by address (e.g. searching for Agia Napa doesn't yield any results) Allowing the use of the last location when there is no GPS data in the image Allowing the copying and pasting of location information between images.
  10. Command-clicking on a document window's title text should show the filesystem path to the document in a drop-down menu (see attached). Choosing any location from the menu should open that location in the Finder, for quick access to other files in that location. This has been a system-wide Mac OS convention since the early '90s. You'll find it on just about every app that deals with documents, with the notable and disappointing exception of Affinity Designer. Apple documents the expected behavior here: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/WinPanel/Tasks/SettingWindowTitle.html Though it may seem like an unimportant feature, it is second-nature to many Mac users, and every one of us who needs to locate an open Designer file in the Finder will be cursing Serif for the lack of this feature as they manually hunt around for the file. It's just not good business to annoy your users in this fashion when a much easier solution is practically given to you by the OS. Please remedy this as soon as possible.
  11. Hi Very pleased to be able to manage assets within AD and am spending a great deal of time creating various libraries for our company :) I therefore wish to ensure that the growing asset library is both backed up frequently and shared as seamlessly as possible with my colleagues. I know that I can export assets to a file, but I would like to write scripts to backup and share with my colleagues whenever I make a change to the library of assets. Could you therefore let me know where are the assets are actually stored on a mac, so that I can target this directly rather than requiring to export each time I make a change and manually redistribute? Is it possible to configure one (or more) locations to store assets? Thanks for your help, regards, Tim
  12. Hi, I note that Affinity Mac has Location Panel with map function. I cannot see this in the Windows beta? I have over 100,000 images with GPS Lon/Lat/Alt in the exif. Will the Map/Location function be included soon? cheers, Paul
  13. Isn't there a way to quickly find where the selected object's layer is in the layer palette?
  14. There is no icon in front of the filename simply to get the path of the current file.
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