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  1. I have just tested this and explicitly set the EPS to 72 DPI in the document settings and exported it again so that I have three placed graphics. In the release version and in, an original resolution of 300 DPI is displayed for all placed EPS files and does not change. In the beta, the display of the original DPI is 300 in the first 1-2 seconds an then switches to 72 DPI. I don't know if I expressed myself clearly, so I've attached another video. dpi.m4v
  2. Hi @Hangman,thanks for the explanation. Just to make sure I understand, does this also apply to all release-versions before, so f.e. 2.5.7?? That would mean that with the next release I would have to check every single document to see if the placed graphics are still the right size??
  3. If I place the EPS file in a new document in the release version I do not have the problems. If I open this publisher document in beta 2.6.0 (3027) I don't have the problem either. Only if I open it in the current Beta 2.6.0 (3058) I have it.
  4. I have exported the EPS file with the same publisher version as the test document. How can one open a beta document in the release version? I only get an error message...
  5. @Circulus If you open the same document in the previous beta, the problem does not occur.
  6. Hello, With the current beta I have the following problem. Placed EPS (and maybe other) files are incorrect size without me changing anything. In the preview, the size still looks right. However, as soon as I click on the graphic, the blue frame does not match the size of the graphic displayed. If I then move the graphic, it is scaled. The problem also occurs when I deactivate Metal and work from desktop an not network. When I open the document in the previous beta, then the phenomenon does not occur. I attached a video and the two sample files. Can someone please open it and see if it is reproducible? Thank you! Affinity Designer 2.5.7 – Affinity Photo 2.5.7 – Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 Affinity Designer Beta | Affinity Photo Beta | Affinity Publisher Beta MacBook Pro M3 Pro, 18 GB Memory, macOS Sequoia 15.2, Magic Mouse, Magic Keyboard scaling.m4v testdocument_2.afpub testlogo_white.eps
  7. Hello, Since the last update, the PDF export to X-1a:2003 no longer works for me. The attached error occurs, regardless of whether I export the PDF locally or to another volume. Can anyone confirm that? It also happens to me directly when I create a new, empty document and export it with the default settings.
  8. @Mette ss far as I can see, DanC is no longer an employee of Serif, so it might be a good idea to mark another moderator.
  9. Hi @Callum, Here is the link to Dan's post. It is about copied elements, but the cause of the problem is very likely the same. If you have time, please also check if you can determine the context with Bonjour service. Thanks
  10. I'm afraid but I think the Bonjour service is essential for iCloud and can therefore not be deactivated, as far as I know. Maybe you're luckier than me, and Serif will check that.
  11. That depends on your NAS system. With QNAP, it would be Control Panel > Service Discovery > Register Bonjour > remove the check mark at Enable Bonjour Service. It may be that you then have to connect the server in the network manually via the IP address (command+k in finder).
  12. @Maxdanger If it is possible for you to test this on occasion, please let me know if it helped you as well.
  13. @Callum @MikeTO @Maxdanger Just a quick note: I came across something quite by chance that could be causing the problem with the graphics not loading, or at least causing it significantly. And it could probably be the cause of a number of other problems (iCloud, etc.). Unless Serif has changed something about the way it handles networks since the last days. I deactivated the Bonjour file service on my QNAP NAS because of a network conflict with an older Mac on the network. I then forgot to activate it again. And then I opened legacy documents where I knew I had to zoom in to load the graphics. Only this time the graphics loaded directly. Sometimes distorted, but at least they loaded. And as soon as I selected Export in the menu, all the graphics were immediately straightened. Maybe that will help you.
  14. @Return Thank you for the suggestion, but I had already discovered that ungrouping or changing blend modes can “fix” the export. However, that doesn’t really solve the underlying issue. In my opinion, this is still a problem with the software, as complex nesting and different blend modes shouldn’t prevent a correct X4 export, especially when X1a works fine. For professional software, handling these types of layered structures should be standard.
  15. Hello, I’ve encountered another issue with Affinity Publisher when exporting a document as an X4 PDF. I’ve set up a document with a couple of drop shadow effects, but the results are not as expected. In my layout, there’s a picture frame with a drop shadow effect positioned in the upper-right corner. This frame is grouped multiple times, and in my original document, there are additional elements within these groups (which I’ve left out here for simplicity). However, after exporting as X4, instead of the shadow fading out smoothly, it appears with a white background behind it. After some troubleshooting, I found that ungrouping the frame completely allows the shadow to export correctly. This leads me to believe the issue might be related to the multiple layers of grouping, although grouping shouldn’t usually affect flattening results in this way. Additionally, I have another object with a drop shadow effect, but this one is placed on a master page. When I apply this master page to the main document, I encounter the same issue: the shadow doesn’t fade out as it should, showing a white background instead, even though there’s no group applied. If I copy the element directly onto the page (bypassing the master page), the shadow effect exports correctly. The Publisher document was created in the current beta version, but I was able to reproduce the issue in the regular version as well. Interestingly, these issues do not occur when exporting as a X1a PDF, where the document is fully flattened. Can anyone else reproduce this? I’ve attached my sample documents and used the standard X4 export preset. Thanks! Test Flattening.afpub
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