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  1. @NathanC same for Text Wrap. Slightly visible but almost invisible.
  2. @Old Bruce The dark interfaces are certainly suitable for a younger audience. I find them too tiring in the long run. And yes, I also think it's a shame that the focus currently seems to be largely on developing new features. In return, Serif seems to accept that other features no longer work. The attitude towards this is that users will find a workaround and take care of it themselves, or stop using those features. All of this is nothing compared to the stability of version 1. I haven't had many of the problems with this version to date. In my opinion, it's high time for at least three or four update cycles to focus solely on bug fixes. That has somehow been lost since version 1. Perhaps it would also be helpful to create a known issues list together with the community and work through it
  3. Ah, I didn't know that there also is one 😂 yes, it is invisible to me too
  4. In the Guides Manager, the symbol for the locked aspect ratio for margins is invisible. I only tested it for the light UI with the default brightness setting. Can anyone else confirm this?
  5. @Dan C Thanks for responding, I know you must have a busy schedule. I do understand that your development team recommends working only locally. Please, don't get me wrong; I'm not ungrateful for your advice. However, I would like to share some concerns from my perspective. Working in a team environment, it's crucial that all members have access to the most recent versions of files. For instance, if a logo is updated and one team member forgets to copy the new version locally, it could lead to inconsistencies. Similarly, if someone forgets to copy the latest revision of a flyer back to the network volume due to a busy day or an unexpected distraction, it can cause significant issues. The most reliable solution, in my experience, is to work over networks. This ensures that everyone has the most current files and prevents the problem of having different versions of documents. Affinity has always been marketed as a professional-grade tool, and such network capabilities are a fundamental aspect of professional workflows. With over 20 years in this industry, I have never worked only locally, especially in a team setting. I hope you can understand my point of view. I know you are not allowed to give direct recommendations. However, it would help me to know if you are aware of similar issues occurring, for example, with NAS devices from QNAP. This is my current favorite option. But of course, I don't want to spend money blindly. Regarding the randomness of these errors, I understand that even similar setups can behave differently. It's clear that this variability makes it challenging to pinpoint a foolproof solution. However, any insights or patterns you've observed in terms of hardware or setup that might mitigate these issues would be incredibly valuable.
  6. @NathanC Thanks for the clarification. I've been experimenting a bit. But why is it that the gradient function called up via the tool produces a different result than if I add a gradient via the toolbar and the fill field? Gradient.m4v
  7. @Pšenda I don't think any of the files are damaged. The images and the Publisher files open without any problems. The images that cause problems in one file can be placed and saved in a new file without any problems. And the damaged Publisher file can also be edited and saved again without any problems, sometimes it is enough to simply close Publisher and open it again.
  8. @Hangman Interesting, now that you mention it, I notice that if I assign a radial gradient to any rectangle, it doesn't insert a radial gradient but an elliptical one. @NathanCThe radial shouldn't actually have two handles, should it? As soon as I double-click on the dotted handle, it disappears and doesn't appear again. Is there perhaps a bug in the radial gradient function? Edit: It only occurs when using the fill option in the toolbar. If you first draw a gradient with the gradient tool and then change it to radial with the fill option, the behavior does not occur.
  9. If you place text with a drop shadow on an object with a radial gradient fill, you will see a border around the shadow of the text after the flattened export (standard X1a preset). It looks correct in the document and in the export preview. This only occurs with radial gradients (as far as I can see). I am attaching documents. If someone could test it, I would be grateful! Wrong Color with Shadow after Export.pdf Wrong Color with Shadow after Export.afpub
  10. @MiriamNZ Thank you for your detailed report. In my case, copying locally did also not solve the problem. @Dan C Maybe it would be a good idea to move this post to the bug section.
  11. Thank you, @MiriamNZ would you be so kind and tell me whether you are working with a NAS or with iCloud, or whether you have the files locally on your computer?
  12. @MikeTO Do you work with local documents or do you have the documents on a NAS or something similar? And if you use a NAS, would you be so kind as to tell me what type it is?
  13. Yes, that sounds plausible. But for me as a normal user there is no way to distinguish what might be relevant, so I can only make assumptions. Unless there is somehow a way to activate a verbose mode for Affinity. Then I could at least copy the entries there and deliver them if such an error occurs. I can only speak for myself, but I'm probably not alone. I try to report bugs in the forum, but most of the time I'm just too busy and keep putting it off until another time. And in most cases, that time never comes. Instead, I look at what solves the problem for the moment, and then I just do that every time because it's quicker than writing a detailed bug report with analysis. For example, when I'm sitting there with documents, the first thing I do is zoom in on each individual page so that all the graphics that have been placed are loaded. For the documents that I haven't yet converted to EPS, being placed. That probably looks funny to someone watching me, but oh well... Yes, the NAS is still the Synology DiskStation DS416play with the latest update DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 6. The system does not report any errors and all diagnostics and tests are normal. I did not have these problems with older versions of Affinity either. I only have these errors with Affinity and not with any other software that I use. But if you can tell me which NAS system you are using or have tested, then I will give it a try. The most important thing for me would be that the errors no longer occur. The bad thing is that it occurs completely randomly. For example, I saved a file yesterday where it occurred so that I can put together a package for you today. The same file can be saved today without any problems. As I said, I don't rule out that it is a specific problem with my setup. That's why it would be really helpful to know which NAS systems have been known to work without any problems.
  14. Somehow this all sounds like it has something to do with the bugs https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/195819-when-copying-elements-from-one-page-to-another-placed-graphics-are-rotated-and-distorted/ and https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/190892-graphics-are-not-displayed-until-i-zoom-in/ and has gotten massively worse since 2.5. Edit: it looks like it has something to do with .eps files being placed. I actually placed them as a workaround for the other bugs... it's no fun anymore.
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